.FM5 File Extension

.FM5 File Extension

FileMaker 5 Database

Developer FileMaker

Average rating 2.3 / 5. Vote count: 3

Category Database Files
Format .FM5
Cross Platform Update Soon

What is an FM5 file?

Files with the .FM5 extension are databases created using FileMaker Pro version 5. FileMaker is a popular platform for creating custom database solutions for various purposes, including managing contacts, inventory, and projects.

More Information.

FileMaker Pro 5 was released in 1999 by Claris, a subsidiary of Apple Inc. It was designed to provide users with an intuitive interface for building and managing relational databases without requiring extensive programming knowledge. The .FM5 file format was introduced as the default file format for saving databases created with FileMaker Pro 5.

Origin Of This File.

The .FM5 file extension originates from FileMaker Pro version 5, which was released by FileMaker, Inc.

File Structure Technical Specification.

.FM5 files are structured databases that store information in a format optimized for retrieval and manipulation using FileMaker Pro software. They may contain tables, fields, layouts, scripts, and other database objects organized to meet the specific requirements of the application they were designed for.

How to Convert the File?


  1. Open FileMaker Pro on your Windows computer.
  2. Navigate to the location of the .FM5 file you want to convert.
  3. Open the .FM5 file in FileMaker Pro.
  4. Once the file is open, go to the “File” menu and select “Save As.”
  5. Choose the desired file format for conversion (e.g., .FMP12) and specify the location to save the converted file.
  6. Click “Save” to convert the .FM5 file to the selected format.


  1. Install Wine on your Linux system to run Windows applications.
  2. Download and install a compatible version of FileMaker Pro using Wine.
  3. Open FileMaker Pro and follow the steps outlined for Windows to convert the .FM5 file.


  1. Open FileMaker Pro on your Mac computer.
  2. Locate the .FM5 file you wish to convert.
  3. Open the .FM5 file in FileMaker Pro.
  4. Follow the same steps as outlined for Windows to convert the file to the desired format.


  1. Convert the .FM5 file to a compatible format using FileMaker Pro on a Windows or Mac computer.
  2. Transfer the converted file to your Android device using a USB cable or cloud storage service.
  3. Use a FileMaker-compatible app on Android, if available, to open and use the converted file.


  1. Convert the .FM5 file to a compatible format using FileMaker Pro on a Windows or Mac computer.
  2. Transfer the converted file to your iOS device using iCloud, email, or other file transfer methods.
  3. Open the transferred file using FileMaker Go, a mobile app developed by FileMaker, Inc., for iOS devices.


For other platforms or software that do not directly support .FM5 files:

  1. Convert the .FM5 file to a compatible format using FileMaker Pro on a Windows or Mac computer.
  2. Explore third-party conversion tools or services that may offer support for converting FileMaker databases to other formats.
  3. Import the converted file into a database management software that supports the desired format on the target platform.

Advantages And Disadvantages.


  • Compatibility: .FM5 files can be opened and edited using FileMaker Pro 5 and later versions.
  • Reliability: FileMaker databases are known for their stability and reliability, making them suitable for managing critical business data.
  • Customizability: FileMaker Pro offers a wide range of customization options, allowing users to tailor their databases to suit their unique needs.


  • Compatibility Limitations: .FM5 files may not be compatible with newer versions of FileMaker Pro, leading to potential issues when attempting to open or migrate them to newer software versions.
  • Limited Features: Compared to newer versions of FileMaker Pro, FileMaker Pro 5 may lack some advanced features and functionalities.

How to Open FM5?

Open In Windows

To open .FM5 files in Windows, users can install a compatible version of FileMaker Pro or use third-party software that supports the .FM5 file format.

Open In Linux

Opening .FM5 files in Linux can be achieved by using software like Wine to run a compatible version of FileMaker Pro or by utilizing alternative database management software that supports FileMaker file formats.

Open In MAC

On macOS, .FM5 files can be opened using FileMaker Pro or any other software that supports the FileMaker file format.

Open In Android

Opening .FM5 files on Android devices may require converting them to a compatible format or using third-party software that supports FileMaker databases.

Open In IOS

On iOS devices, .FM5 files can be opened using FileMaker Go, a mobile app developed by FileMaker, Inc., for accessing and managing FileMaker databases on iOS devices.

Open in Others

For other platforms or software that do not directly support .FM5 files, users may need to convert them to a compatible format or use FileMaker Pro or alternative database management software with support for FileMaker file formats.

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