.FPS File Extension

.FPS File Extension

FPS Creator Segment File

Developer The Game Creators

Average rating 3.9 / 5. Vote count: 9

Category Game Files
Format .FPS
Cross Platform Update Soon

What is an FPS file?

.FPS files are associated with FPS Creator, a software tool primarily used for creating first-person shooter (FPS) video games. These files contain segments or sections of the game environment, such as maps, levels, or scenes, along with associated assets like textures, models, and scripts.

More Information.

The .FPS file format was introduced as part of FPS Creator to streamline the game development process for users. It aimed to provide a structured and efficient way to save and manage different components of a game level or environment.

Origin Of This File.

FPS Creator was developed by The Game Creators, initially released in 2005. The .FPS file extension emerged as a way to save and organize game content within the FPS Creator environment.

File Structure Technical Specification.

.FPS files typically consist of a combination of textual data, such as scripting code or configuration settings, and binary data, including textures, models, and other multimedia assets. The specific structure and technical specifications may vary based on the content and complexity of the game segment.

How to Convert the File?


  1. Open FPS Creator on your Windows system.
  2. Load the .FPS file containing the segment you want to convert.
  3. Export or save the segment in a compatible format supported by other game development platforms or software.


  1. As FPS Creator is primarily designed for Windows, running it on Linux may require compatibility layers or emulation software like Wine.
  2. Install Wine on your Linux system and configure it to run FPS Creator.
  3. Follow the steps for Windows conversion mentioned above.


  1. Similar to Linux, running FPS Creator on a Mac may require compatibility solutions like Wine or virtualization software like Parallels Desktop.
  2. Install and configure the necessary software to run FPS Creator on your Mac.
  3. Proceed with the conversion process as outlined for Windows.


  1. FPS Creator does not have a native version for Android.
  2. Consider exporting the content from FPS Creator on a Windows system.
  3. Transfer the exported files to your Android device.
  4. Utilize a compatible game development tool or app on Android to import and further modify the content if necessary.


  1. FPS Creator is not available for iOS.
  2. Export the .FPS file from FPS Creator on a Windows system.
  3. Transfer the exported files to your iOS device.
  4. Explore iOS-compatible game development software to import and adapt the content for use on iOS.


  1. For other platforms or specific software requirements, consider exporting the .FPS file from FPS Creator on a compatible system (e.g., Windows).
  2. If direct conversion is not feasible, explore alternative game development solutions or services that support the desired platform or format.
  3. Manual adaptation or customization may be necessary depending on the target platform’s requirements and compatibility.

Advantages And Disadvantages.


  1. Organization: .FPS files help organize game content into manageable segments.
  2. Ease of Use: They simplify the process of creating, editing, and sharing game levels.
  3. Integration: .FPS files seamlessly integrate with FPS Creator’s interface and tools.


  1. Proprietary Format: .FPS files are specific to FPS Creator and may not be compatible with other game engines or software.
  2. Limited Flexibility: Users may encounter limitations in customization and advanced features compared to more versatile game development platforms.
  3. Dependency: Games created using FPS Creator rely on the software’s runtime environment, potentially limiting distribution options.

How to Open FPS?

Open In Windows

.FPS files are primarily intended to be opened and edited within FPS Creator, which is compatible with Windows operating systems.

Open In Linux

FPS Creator is not natively supported on Linux. Users may explore compatibility solutions such as Wine or virtualization to run FPS Creator on Linux systems.

Open In MAC

FPS Creator does not have a native version for macOS. Users can attempt to run FPS Creator through virtualization software or consider alternative game development tools with macOS support.

Open In Android

.FPS files created in FPS Creator are not directly compatible with Android devices. Exporting game projects to platforms like Unity or Unreal Engine, which support Android deployment, may be necessary for bringing FPS Creator games to Android.

Open In IOS

Similar to Android, .FPS files cannot be directly opened on iOS devices. Developers interested in iOS deployment would need to export their projects to game engines like Unity or Unreal Engine, which offer iOS support.

Open in Others

Compatibility with other platforms depends on the ability to export assets from FPS Creator into formats compatible with the target platform or game engine. This may involve converting 3D models, textures, and scripts to formats supported by the desired platform or engine.

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