.FR3 File Extension

.FR3 File Extension

FastReport Form File

Developer Fast Reports

Average rating 3.6 / 5. Vote count: 26

Category Page Layout Files
Format .FR3
Cross Platform Update Soon

What is an FR3 file?

Files with the .FR3 extensions are associated with FastReport, a powerful reporting tool primarily used by software developers to create various types of reports and forms within their applications. These files specifically store the layout and design information of forms created using FastReport.

This article explores the origin, structure, advantages, disadvantages, conversion methods, and how to open .FR3 files across different operating systems.

More Information.

Initially introduced to streamline the process of designing and generating reports, FastReport evolved to include extensive support for forms and other data presentation formats.

The .FR3 files became integral to storing the layout information of forms, including fields, labels, buttons, and other UI components, alongside data binding configurations.

Origin Of This File.

FastReport, developed by Fast Reports Inc., emerged in the late 1990s as a versatile reporting solution for developers working with Delphi and C++Builder environments. It quickly gained popularity due to its robust features and ease of integration.

The .FR3 file format specifically denotes a form file created within FastReport, encompassing the visual design elements and properties that define how data is presented in reports and forms.

File Structure Technical Specification.

.FR3 files are structured as XML-based documents, storing metadata and configuration settings in a human-readable format. The XML structure typically includes:

  • Form Elements: Definitions of all UI components such as text boxes, checkboxes, radio buttons, etc.
  • Data Binding: Instructions on how data from various sources should be bound to these UI elements.
  • Styles and Formatting: Information regarding fonts, colors, alignment, and other visual properties.
  • Events and Scripts: Optionally, scripts or event handlers that define dynamic behavior within the form.

The technical specifications ensure that .FR3 files are not only compact but also highly customizable, facilitating complex report and form layouts tailored to specific application requirements.

How to Convert the File?

Converting .FR3 files may be necessary to facilitate collaboration or compatibility with other systems. Conversion methods include:

  • Export to PDF or Other Formats: FastReport supports exporting .FR3 files to widely used formats such as PDF, Excel, HTML, and more.
  • Third-Party Tools: Various third-party tools offer converters that can transform .FR3 files into formats compatible with different reporting systems.
  • Custom Scripts: Advanced users can develop custom scripts within FastReport to automate the conversion process based on specific requirements.

Advantages And Disadvantages.


  • Customization: Developers can precisely control the layout and appearance of forms and reports.
  • Integration: Seamless integration with various development environments, including Delphi, C++Builder, and .NET frameworks.
  • Performance: FastReport is known for its efficiency in handling large datasets and generating reports quickly.


  • Learning Curve: Requires a learning curve for developers new to the FastReport environment.
  • Proprietary Format: .FR3 files are specific to FastReport, which may limit interoperability with other reporting tools.

How to Open FR3?

Open In Windows

  • FastReport is primarily designed for Windows environments, offering native support for .FR3 files on Windows desktops and servers.

Open In Linux

  • While FastReport is not native to Linux, it can be run using compatibility layers like Wine, enabling .FR3 file viewing and editing.

Open In MAC

  • Similar to Linux, .FR3 files can be accessed on macOS using Wine or virtualization solutions that support Windows applications.

Open In Android

Open In IOS

Open in Others

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