.GPR File Extension

.GPR File Extension

GenePix Results File

Developer Molecular Devices

Average rating 3.5 / 5. Vote count: 8

Category Data Files
Format .GPR
Cross Platform Update Soon

What is an GPR file?

In the realm of molecular biology and genetic research, data management plays a crucial role in understanding complex biological phenomena.

One such integral component of data management is the .GPR file extension, which is associated with GenePix Results Files.

These files encapsulate vital information derived from microarray experiments, aiding researchers in analyzing gene expression levels, protein interactions, and much more.

More Information.

The history of .GPR files dates back to the early 1990s when microarray technology was in its nascent stages. Researchers were grappling with vast amounts of data generated from microarray experiments, necessitating a standardized format for efficient data storage and analysis.

The introduction of .GPR files addressed this need by providing a structured format to store raw and processed microarray data, facilitating seamless exchange between different analytical platforms.

Origin Of This File.

The .GPR file extension finds its roots in the field of microarray technology, which revolutionized genomic research by enabling simultaneous analysis of thousands of genes.

Developed by Molecular Devices, GenePix is a widely used software suite tailored for microarray data analysis. GenePix Results Files (.GPR) serve as the standard output format for storing the results generated by GenePix software.

File Structure Technical Specification.

.GPR files adhere to a structured format optimized for storing microarray data. Typically, they consist of a header section followed by data tables containing information such as spot intensities, background values, spot coordinates, and feature annotations.

The header section contains metadata pertaining to the experiment, including array layout, imaging parameters, and normalization settings.

Technical specifications of .GPR files may vary slightly depending on the version of GenePix software used. They generally conform to a tab-delimited text format, making them easily accessible for analysis using various computational tools and programming languages.

How to Convert the File?

Converting .GPR files to other formats is essential for compatibility with different analysis tools or for data sharing purposes. Below are detailed instructions on how to convert .GPR files across various operating systems:

1. Using GenePix Software:

  • Open the GenePix software on your computer (available for Windows and macOS).
  • Navigate to the file menu and select “Open.”
  • Choose the .GPR file you want to convert.
  • Once the file is open, go to the export or save options.
  • Select the desired output format, such as CSV or Excel.
  • Follow the prompts to save the converted file to your preferred location.

2. Using Bioinformatics Tools:

For Windows:

  • Install Python or R on your Windows system if not already installed.
  • Utilize libraries such as pandas in Python or Bioconductor in R to read and convert .GPR files.
  • Write a script to perform the conversion and execute it in your preferred development environment.

For Linux:

  • Install Python or R on your Linux system if not already installed.
  • Use libraries like pandas in Python or Bioconductor in R to read and convert .GPR files.
  • Write a script to perform the conversion and execute it via the terminal.

For macOS:

  • Follow the same process as for Linux, utilizing Python or R with appropriate libraries for file conversion.
  • Install Python or R on your macOS system if not already installed.
  • Use libraries such as pandas in Python or Bioconductor in R to read and convert .GPR files.
  • Write a script to perform the conversion and execute it via the terminal.

3. Online Conversion Tools:

  • Search for online bioinformatics platforms or services that offer conversion tools for .GPR files.
  • Upload your .GPR file to the online tool’s interface.
  • Select the desired output format (e.g., CSV, Excel).
  • Initiate the conversion process and wait for it to complete.
  • Once the conversion is finished, download the converted file to your local system.

4. Using Cross-Platform Bioinformatics Software:

  • Install bioinformatics software packages like Bioconductor in R, Biopython in Python, or MATLAB on your computer.
  • Use the provided functions or scripts within the software to read and convert .GPR files to the desired format.

5. Cloud-Based Solutions:

  • Explore cloud-based bioinformatics platforms accessible via web browsers.
  • Upload your .GPR file to the platform.
  • Use the platform’s built-in tools or scripts to convert the file to the desired format.
  • Download the converted file from the platform once the conversion is complete.

Advantages And Disadvantages.


  1. Standardized Format: .GPR files provide a standardized format for storing microarray data, ensuring compatibility across different analytical platforms.
  2. Metadata Inclusion: They encapsulate crucial metadata related to the experiment, facilitating reproducibility and data sharing among researchers.
  3. Accessibility: Being in a text-based format, .GPR files are easily accessible and can be parsed using a wide range of computational tools and programming languages.


  1. Software Dependency: .GPR files are primarily associated with GenePix software, which may limit their accessibility for researchers using alternative analysis tools.
  2. Size Limitations: Large-scale microarray experiments can generate massive .GPR files, pose challenges in terms of storage and data management.
  3. Complexity: Understanding and interpreting .GPR files require familiarity with microarray technology and data analysis algorithms, which may be daunting for novice researchers.

How to Open GPR?

Open In Windows

On Windows, you can open .GPR files using GenePix software. If you have GenePix installed, simply double-click the .GPR file, and it should open in the GenePix application. Alternatively, you can open GenePix first and then navigate to the File menu to open the .GPR file.

Open In Linux

Linux users can open .GPR files using software such as Wine to run Windows applications like GenePix. Install Wine, then download and install GenePix through Wine. Once installed, you can open .GPR files in GenePix within the Wine environment.

Open In MAC

macOS users can also utilize GenePix software to open .GPR files. GenePix has versions compatible with macOS. Simply download and install GenePix for macOS, then open the application and use the File menu to open the .GPR file.

Open In Android

Opening .GPR files directly on Android devices might be challenging due to the specialized nature of the file format and lack of dedicated applications.

You can consider using cloud-based bioinformatics platforms accessible via mobile browsers. Upload the .GPR file to the platform and use the platform’s tools to analyze or view the data.

Open In IOS

Similar to Android, directly opening .GPR files on iOS devices might not be feasible due to the specialized nature of the file format.

You can explore cloud-based bioinformatics platforms accessible via mobile browsers. Upload the .GPR file to the platform and use the platform’s tools to analyze or view the data.

Open in Others

For other operating systems or platforms, such as Unix-based systems or specialized environments, you can explore similar options as mentioned above.

Utilize compatibility layers, virtual machines, or cloud-based solutions to open .GPR files and analyzes the data as per your requirements.

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