.HFT File Extension

.HFT File Extension

HotDocs Form Template

Developer HotDocs

Average rating 2.6 / 5. Vote count: 5

Category Page Layout Files
Format .HFT
Cross Platform Update Soon

What is an HFT file?

The .HFT file extension is primarily associated with HotDocs, a powerful software used for document automation and assembly.

HotDocs allows users to create templates for legal documents, contracts, forms, and other types of paperwork that require consistent formatting and content.

These templates, saved with the .HFT extensions, serve as blueprints that dictate how information is gathered and compiled into final documents.

More Information.

The initial purpose of .HFT files were to provide a standardized format for legal professionals and businesses to automate document creation.

Before HotDocs, creating complex legal documents often involved manually inserting information into templates, which was time-consuming and prone to errors.

HotDocs revolutionized this process by allowing users to define variables and rules within templates, automating the insertion of data into predefined fields.

Origin Of This File.

HotDocs was developed by Capsoft Development in the late 1980s as a solution to streamline the creation of legal documents.

The .HFT file extension became synonymous with these templates, offering a structured approach to document assembly that saves time and ensures accuracy in legal and business environments.

File Structure Technical Specification.

.HFT files are structured in a way that encapsulates variables, conditions, and instructions for document assembly.

They are typically XML-based, storing metadata about the template structure, variable names, and logic for data insertion. The technical specifications of .HFT files include:

  • XML Format: .HFT files are XML documents, making them human-readable and machine-parseable.
  • Variable Definition: Defines placeholders for data that will be inserted into the final document.
  • Logic and Conditions: Includes scripting or rules that dictate how variables are populated based on user input or predefined conditions.
  • Template Components: Structures sections of the document, such as headers, footers, and dynamic content areas.

How to Convert the File?

Converting .HFT files typically involve exporting them to formats that can be used outside of HotDocs for viewing or further editing. Common conversion methods include:

  1. Export to PDF or DOCX: HotDocs allows users to generate final documents in formats like PDF or DOCX, which can be easily shared or printed.
  2. Export to Rich Text Format (RTF): RTF files preserve formatting and can be opened in various word processors.
  3. Export to HTML: Converts .HFT files into HTML format for web-based document viewing.

Advantages And Disadvantages.


  1. Efficiency: Automates document creation, reducing the time required to generate complex documents.
  2. Accuracy: Ensures consistency and accuracy in document content and formatting.
  3. Customization: Allows for templates to be customized with specific variables and logic tailored to different document types.
  4. Integration: Can integrate with existing systems and databases to pull in real-time data.


  1. Learning Curve: Requires familiarity with HotDocs scripting language and template design principles.
  2. Dependency on Software: Documents created with .HFT files require HotDocs software to generate final outputs.
  3. Complexity: Creating and maintaining complex templates may require significant initial setup and ongoing maintenance.

How to Open HFT?

Open In Windows

  • Install HotDocs software from the official website or a trusted source.
  • Double-click on the .HFT file, and it will open in HotDocs for editing or generating final documents.

Open In Linux

  • HotDocs does not natively support Linux. To open .HFT files on Linux, consider using virtualization or emulation software to run HotDocs in a Windows environment.

Open In MAC

  • HotDocs is also available for macOS, though compatibility may vary with different versions.
  • Install HotDocs for macOS and open .HFT files similarly by double-clicking on them.

Open In Android

Open In IOS

Open in Others

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