.HTX File Extension

.HTX File Extension

HTML Extension File

Developer Microsoft

Average rating 3 / 5. Vote count: 10

Category Web Files
Format .HTX
Cross Platform Update Soon

What is an HTX file?

The .HTX file extension typically refers to a Hypertext file. These files are often associated with web development and contain HTML-like text that can be rendered by web browsers or processed by web servers.

More Information.

The .HTX file format was initially introduced in the context of Microsoft’s IIS to support server-side scripting with HTML. It allowed developers to write scripts that could be interpreted by the server before sending the final HTML output to the client’s web browser. The file extension was used to denote files that contained HTML mixed with server-side code or special tags.

Origin Of This File.

The .HTX extension is used in a variety of contexts. One notable usage is in older versions of Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) for handling “HTML text” files or server-side scripts. However, the .HTX file format is not as widely recognized or standardized as .HTML or .HTM files.

File Structure Technical Specification.

  • File Structure: .HTX files are typically plain text files that include HTML content and may contain embedded scripting code. The structure often resembles standard HTML files but can include additional scripting elements specific to the server-side environment.
  • Technical Specification: The technical specification varies depending on the server or application using .HTX files. In IIS, .HTX files are processed on the server side, with the server interpreting any embedded script code before sending the resulting HTML to the client.

How to Convert the File?


  1. Manual Conversion:
    • Open the .HTX file in a text editor like Notepad or Notepad++.
    • Review the content and remove or adjust any server-side scripts or code that may not be compatible with standard HTML.
    • Save the file with a .HTML extension. For instance, if your file is named example.htx, you can save it as example.html.
  2. Using a Code Editor:
    • Open the file in a code editor like Visual Studio Code or Sublime Text.
    • Refactor or clean up any server-side code.
    • Save as a .HTML file by choosing “Save As” and changing the file extension.
  3. Automated Tools:
    • While specific automated tools for converting .HTX to .HTML are rare, you can use general-purpose scripting tools or batch files to rename and replace content if needed.


  1. Manual Conversion:
    • Open the .HTX file using a text editor like Vim, Nano, or Gedit.
    • Edit and clean up the content, removing any server-side code if necessary.
    • Save the file with a .HTML extension. For example, use Save As in Gedit or write the file as example.html in Vim.
  2. Using Command Line:
    • You can use command-line tools to rename the file and adjust content if needed.
    • You may need to manually adjust the file’s content if it contains server-side scripts.
  3. Automated Scripts:
    • Write a simple script to convert .HTX files to .HTML if dealing with multiple files. For example, a bash script might look like.


  1. Manual Conversion:
    • Open the .HTX file in a text editor such as TextEdit or Sublime Text.
    • Review and edit the content as needed to remove server-side elements.
    • Save the file with a .HTML extension using “Save As.”
  2. Using Terminal:
    • Use the mv command in Terminal to rename the file.
    • Manual editing might still be required to clean up the file.
  3. Automated Tools:
    • Use scripting tools like Automator to batch process and convert .HTX files, if dealing with many files.


  1. Using Text Editors:
    • Open the .HTX file with a text editor app like QuickEdit or Jota Text Editor.
    • Edit the content if necessary to ensure it is standard HTML.
    • Rename the file using a file manager app to change the extension to .HTML.
  2. Using File Management Apps:
    • Use a file manager app to rename the file directly if it supports file extension changes.


  1. Using Text Editors:
    • Open the .HTX file in a text editor app like Textastic or Koder.
    • Modify and clean up the content as needed.
    • Rename the file to .HTML using the app’s file management options.
  2. Using File Management Apps:
    • If your file manager supports it, you can rename the file extension directly from within the app.

Others (General/Online Tools)

  1. Online Converters:
    • While specific online tools for .HTX might be limited, you can use general HTML editing tools or online text editors to open the file, clean up the content, and save it as .HTML.
  2. Code Editors & IDEs:
    • Platforms like CodePen, JSFiddle, or other online code editors can open and modify the file’s content, though direct conversion might require manual editing.
  3. Batch Processing Tools:
    • Use general-purpose batch renaming tools or scripting languages to automate the renaming and conversion process if working with multiple files.

Advantages And Disadvantages.


  • Server-Side Processing: Allows for server-side logic to be integrated directly into HTML files.
  • Flexibility: Can be used to create dynamic web content by embedding server-side code.


  • Limited Adoption: Not as widely adopted or supported as standard .HTML files.
  • Compatibility Issues: May not be compatible with modern web servers or frameworks, leading to potential issues with portability and maintenance.

How to Open HTX?

Open In Windows

  • Text Editors: Open with Notepad, Notepad++, or any text editor.
  • Web Browsers: Use a web browser to view the file if it contains only HTML and does not require server-side processing.

Open In Linux

  • Text Editors: Open with editors like Vim, Nano, or Gedit.
  • Web Browsers: Use browsers like Firefox, Chromium, or any other to view the file’s content.

Open In MAC

  • Text Editors: Use TextEdit, Sublime Text, or any text editor of your choice.
  • Web Browsers: View with Safari, Chrome, or Firefox.

Open In Android

  • Text Editors: Use apps like QuickEdit, Jota Text Editor, or any text editor available in the Google Play Store.
  • Web Browsers: View the file with Chrome, Firefox, or any other browser.

Open In IOS

  • Text Editors: Use text editor apps like Textastic or Koder.
  • Web Browsers: Open with Safari, Chrome, or any other browser available on the App Store.

Open in Others

  • Online Editors: Use online text editors or code editors like CodePen or JSFiddle, which might allow you to view or edit the file’s content.
  • Integrated Development Environments (IDEs): Many IDEs (e.g., Visual Studio Code, WebStorm) can open and edit .HTX files, especially if they are part of a web development project.

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