.ICONSET File Extension

ICONSET File Extension

Mac OS X Icon Set Folder

Developer Apple

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Category Developer Files
Cross Platform Update Soon

What is an ICONSET file?

In digital design, icons play a crucial role in user interface (UI) design. For macOS users, the .ICONSET file extension is an integral part of managing and using icons. This article delves into the details of the .ICONSET file extension, covering its origins, history, file structure, and technical specifications.

We will explore the advantages and disadvantages of using .ICONSET files and guide how to convert and open these files across different operating systems.

More Information.

The .ICONSET file format was introduced by Apple as part of macOS’s efforts to standardize and simplify the management of icons. Before .ICONSET files, icons were often stored individually or in different, less organized formats.

The introduction of the .ICONSET format aimed to streamline icon creation and usage by allowing multiple icon sizes and resolutions to be packaged together in a single folder.

Initially, the purpose of the .ICONSET format was to support high-resolution displays, such as Retina displays, which require multiple sizes of the same icon to ensure sharpness and clarity.

The format made it easier for developers to provide icons that look crisp across various screen sizes and resolutions.

Origin Of This File.

The .ICONSET file format originates from macOS, where it is used to bundle a collection of icon images. This format is particularly important for developers and designers who create custom icons for applications and system files.

The .ICONSET format is closely tied to the macOS environment, making it a specialized tool within the Apple ecosystem.

File Structure Technical Specification.

The .ICONSET file is essentially a directory (folder) that contains multiple PNG files, each corresponding to a specific icon size and resolution. Here’s a breakdown of the typical structure:

  1. Icon Sizes: The folder includes PNG files for different icon sizes. Common sizes include 16×16, 32×32, 128×128, 256×256, and 512×512 pixels. Each file is named according to its size, often with suffixes like @2x for Retina displays.
  2. Icon Files: The actual icon files within the .ICONSET folder are PNG images. These images are typically saved in 8-bit or 32-bit color depth, depending on the level of detail and transparency required.
  3. Metadata: Although the .ICONSET format itself does not contain a metadata file, the folder structure and naming conventions help in identifying and organizing the various icon files.
  4. Packaging: When converted to an .icns file for macOS applications, the .ICONSET folder is bundled into a single .icns file. This file is used by macOS to display icons in a standardized way across the system.

How to Convert the File?

Converting .ICONSET files to other formats or consolidating them into a single .icns file is a common task. Here are some methods:

  1. Using macOS Tools: macOS provides tools like Icon Composer (deprecated) or the iconutil command-line tool for converting .ICONSET folders to .icns files.
  2. Online Converters: Several online tools can convert .ICONSET folders to other formats, such as .ico or .png.
  3. Third-Party Applications: Software like Icon Slate or Image2icon can help in converting .ICONSET files to various icon formats.

Advantages And Disadvantages.


  1. Organization: The .ICONSET format allows designers to keep all icon sizes and resolutions in one folder, making it easier to manage and update icons.
  2. High-Resolution Support: The format supports high-resolution displays by providing multiple icon sizes, ensuring that icons look sharp on Retina and other high-density screens.
  3. Simplicity: It simplifies the process of creating and implementing icons by allowing designers to work with a standardized format.


  1. Limited Cross-Platform Compatibility: The .ICONSET format is specific to macOS and may not be directly usable on other operating systems without conversion.
  2. File Size: The inclusion of multiple icon sizes can increase the overall file size, which might be a concern for applications with limited storage or bandwidth.

How to Open ICONSET?

Open In Windows

Windows does not natively support .ICONSET files. To open or use these files, you must convert them into a format compatible with Windows, such as .ico. Tools like IconWorkshop or online converters can facilitate this conversion.

Open In Linux

Similar to Windows, Linux does not directly support .ICONSET files. You can convert the .ICONSET folder to PNG images or another format using conversion tools. Once converted, the individual PNG files can be used as icons in Linux systems.

Open In MAC

On macOS, .ICONSET files are used directly by the system. You can view and edit .ICONSET folders using Finder and image editing applications. MacOS tools can convert .ICONSET folders into .icns files for use in applications.

Open In Android

Android does not natively support .ICONSET files. You need to convert the .ICONSET folder to PNG images, which can then be used as icons in Android applications or themes.

Open In IOS

iOS does not support .ICONSET files directly. To use icons from an .ICONSET folder on iOS, convert the images to .png format and include them in your app bundle as needed.

Open in Others

For other platforms, the .ICONSET format is generally not supported. Conversion to a more widely used format like PNG or ICO is required for use on these platforms.

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