.IFD File Extension

.IFD File Extension

InForm Document

Developer Fly Software

Average rating 4 / 5. Vote count: 4

Category Page Layout Files
Format .IFD
Cross Platform Update Soon

What is an IFD file?

The .IFD file extension is primarily associated with InForm, a software used for creating electronic forms and surveys.

More Information.

These files were developed to streamline data collection processes, ensuring accuracy and efficiency in gathering information electronically.

Origin Of This File.

InForm documents are used in various industries for data collection, especially in clinical trials, healthcare, and research.

File Structure Technical Specification.

.IFD files are structured to store form layouts, data validation rules, and metadata necessary for electronic forms. They typically include XML-based structures to define fields, data types, and form behaviors.

How to Convert the File?


  1. Using InForm Software:
    • Open the .IFD file in InForm.
    • Export or save the form as PDF or another supported format from within InForm.


  1. Virtualization or Emulation:
    • Use virtualization software like VirtualBox or VMware to run a Windows instance.
    • Install InForm within the virtualized environment.
    • Open the .IFD file in InForm and export it to a compatible format.


  1. Virtualization or Emulation:
    • Similar to Linux, use virtualization software such as Parallels Desktop or VMware Fusion to run Windows.
    • Install InForm within the virtual machine.
    • Open the .IFD file in InForm and convert it to a suitable format like PDF.

Android & iOS

  1. Web-Based or Cloud Solutions:
    • Due to the specialized nature of .IFD files and lack of native support on mobile platforms, consider using web-based platforms that support form editing and conversion.
    • Upload the .IFD file to a cloud service that offers conversion services to PDF or other mobile-compatible formats.
    • Access the converted file on your mobile device through the cloud service or download it directly if supported.


  1. Online Conversion Services:
    • Utilize online file conversion websites that support converting .IFD files to standard formats like PDF.
    • Upload the .IFD file to the conversion service and follow their instructions to convert it to the desired format.

Advantages And Disadvantages.


  • Facilitates digital data collection.
  • Structured format ensures consistency.
  • Supports various data types and validation rules.


  • Requires specific software (InForm) to create and edit.
  • Compatibility issues with other form formats.
  • Potential complexity in customizing form behaviors.

How to Open IFD?

Open In Windows

Requires InForm or compatible software for viewing and editing.

Open In Linux

Limited support; requires running InForm via compatibility layers or virtual machines.

Open In MAC

Similar to Linux; may need emulation or virtualization to run InForm.

Open In Android

No native support; requires desktop or web-based solutions for viewing and editing.

Open In IOS

No native support; requires desktop or web-based solutions for viewing and editing.

Open in Others

  • Web-based tools: Some online platforms offer compatibility or conversion services for .IFD files.
  • Virtualization: Use virtual machines or compatibility layers to run Windows versions of InForm on non-Windows platforms.

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