.IMM File Extension

.IMM File Extension

iMindMap Map File

Developer ThinkBuzan

Average rating 3 / 5. Vote count: 4

Category Page Layout Files
Format .IMM
Cross Platform Update Soon

What is an IMM file?

The .IMM file extension is associated with iMindMap, a popular mind mapping software developed by ThinkBuzan. It is used to create visual representations of ideas, concepts, and information in a hierarchical structure.

More Information.

The .IMM file format was introduced alongside iMindMap to store and share mind maps created within the software. It was designed to be compatible across different platforms and versions of iMindMap.

Origin Of This File.

iMindMap was developed to provide users with an intuitive tool for brainstorming, organizing thoughts, and creating presentations using mind maps.

File Structure Technical Specification.

  • Format: Binary file format specific to iMindMap.
  • Contents: Contains hierarchical data representing nodes, branches, text, images, and formatting used in the mind map.
  • Compatibility: Designed to be opened and edited within iMindMap software.

How to Convert the File?


  1. Export from iMindMap:
    • Open your .IMM file in iMindMap.
    • Go to File > Export and choose a standard format like .MM (MindManager), .PDF, or .DOCX.
    • Save the exported file to convert it to the desired format.


  1. Using Wine:
    • Install iMindMap on Linux using Wine (a compatibility layer for running Windows applications).
    • Open your .IMM file within iMindMap.
    • Export the file to a standard format compatible with Linux software, such as .MM (MindManager) or .PDF.


  1. Native iMindMap Application:
    • Open the .IMM file in iMindMap software for macOS.
    • Export the file to a standard format like .MM (MindManager), .PDF, or .DOCX using the built-in export feature.


  1. iMindMap Mobile App:
    • Install the iMindMap app from the Google Play Store.
    • Open your .IMM file within the iMindMap app.
    • Export the file to a standard format supported on Android, such as .MM (MindManager) or .PDF.


  1. iMindMap Mobile App:
    • Install the iMindMap app from the App Store.
    • Open the .IMM file within the iMindMap app on your iOS device.
    • Export the file to a standard format like .MM (MindManager) or .PDF.


  1. Web-Based iMindMap:
    • Use iMindMap’s web-based version or cloud services (if available) to access and export your .IMM files.
    • Open the file online and export it to a compatible format like .MM (MindManager), .PDF, or .DOCX.

Advantages And Disadvantages.


  • Provides a visual and structured way to organize information.
  • Supports various formatting options for enhanced presentation.
  • Integrates well with iMindMap’s features for brainstorming and planning.


  • Limited compatibility with other mind mapping software.
  • Editing may be restricted without iMindMap software.

How to Open IMM?

Open In Windows

Open .IMM files using iMindMap software installed on Windows.

Open In Linux

Can be opened using iMindMap software through Wine or other Windows emulation methods.

Open In MAC

Open .IMM files using iMindMap software for macOS.

Open In Android

iMindMap has an Android app to open and edit .IMM files.

Open In IOS

iMindMap is also available on iOS devices for opening and editing .IMM files.

Open in Others

Compatibility may vary; for other platforms, use iMindMap’s web-based or cloud solutions if available.

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