.IWS File Extension

IWS File Extension

IntelliJ IDEA Web Page

Developer JetBrains

Average rating 3 / 5. Vote count: 3

Category Developer Files
Format .IWS
Cross Platform Update Soon

What is an IWS file?

The .IWS file extension stands for IntelliJ IDEA Web Page, which is a type of file used primarily within the IntelliJ IDEA integrated development environment (IDE).

IntelliJ IDEA, developed by JetBrains, is a popular IDE for Java development that also supports a range of other programming languages and technologies, including web development. The .IWS file specifically pertains to web page configuration within this environment.

More Information.

Initially, the .IWS file format was designed to manage the settings and configuration of web pages in a project. This included specifying project structure, build settings, and deployment configurations.

Over time, IntelliJ IDEA has evolved to support a wide range of programming languages and frameworks the .IWS file has adapted to these changes, reflecting the growth and complexity of modern development environments.

The primary purpose of the .IWS file is to store metadata and configuration settings related to web development within IntelliJ IDEA.

This includes information about project settings, web server configurations, and other parameters that are crucial for web application development and deployment.

Origin Of This File.

The .IWS file extension originated from the IntelliJ IDEA IDE, which was first released by JetBrains in 2001. JetBrains, known for its suite of developer tools, created IntelliJ IDEA to provide developers with an advanced and efficient coding environment.

The .IWS file format was introduced as part of the IDE’s project configuration system to help manage web-related settings and configurations within the IDE.

File Structure Technical Specification.

The .IWS file is an XML-based file that contains structured data about the project’s web page settings. It typically includes:

  • Project Metadata: General information about the project, such as name and description.
  • Web Server Settings: Configuration details for the web server used in the project.
  • Deployment Descriptors: Information related to how the web application is deployed.
  • Build Configuration: Settings for building and compiling the project.
  • File Paths: Paths to important files and directories within the project.

The file is structured using XML tags, making it both human-readable and machine-readable. This XML format allows IntelliJ IDEA to parse and understand the configuration details, enabling efficient management and customization of web development projects.

How to Convert the File?

The .IWS file, used by IntelliJ IDEA, is an XML-based configuration file for web projects. Direct conversion is not typically necessary, here’s how to handle and adapt the file:

1. Manual Extraction:

  • Open the File: Use a text editor (e.g., Notepad++, Visual Studio Code) to view the XML content of the .IWS file.
  • Extract Data: Copy relevant settings and configurations from the XML content as needed.

2. Recreate Configuration in Another IDE:

  • Review Settings: Open the .IWS file to understand its configurations.
  • Create New Project: Set up a new project in the target IDE (e.g., Eclipse, Visual Studio).
  • Apply Settings: Manually transfer the extracted settings to the new IDE.

3. XML Conversion Tools:

  • XML Parsers: Use XML parsing tools or libraries to convert the .IWS file content into different formats (e.g., JSON).
  • Custom Scripts: Write scripts to automate the extraction and conversion of data from the .IWS file.

4. IntelliJ IDEA Export Options:

  • Export Settings: Use IntelliJ IDEA’s File > Export Settings feature to export configurations.
  • Settings Repository: Sync project settings using the Settings Repository feature.

5. Backup and Archiving:

  • Zip Compression: Compress the .IWS file into a ZIP archive for easier storage.
  • Documentation: Document the configurations for future reference.

Advantages And Disadvantages.


  1. Integrated Configuration: The .IWS file allows for centralized management of web page settings within IntelliJ IDEA, making it easier for developers to configure and maintain their projects.
  2. Compatibility with IntelliJ IDEA: Since the file is specifically designed for IntelliJ IDEA, it ensures seamless integration with the IDE’s features and tools.
  3. XML Format: Being XML-based, the file is easy to read and edit, allowing developers to make manual adjustments if needed.


  1. IDE-Specific: The .IWS file is tailored for IntelliJ IDEA, which means it is not directly usable or recognized by other IDEs or text editors.
  2. Complexity: For developers not familiar with IntelliJ IDEA’s project structure, understanding and managing .IWS files can be complex and challenging.
  3. Limited Use: The file’s utility is limited to web development projects within IntelliJ IDEA, reducing its relevance outside this specific context.

How to Open IWS?

Open In Windows

  1. IntelliJ IDEA: The primary method is to open the file within IntelliJ IDEA. Start IntelliJ IDEA and open the project containing the .IWS file; the IDE will automatically recognize and use it.
  2. Text Editor: You can use text editors like Notepad++, Sublime Text, or Visual Studio Code to view the XML content. This method allows you to inspect or manually edit the file but does not provide a graphical interface for managing settings.

Open In Linux

  1. IntelliJ IDEA: Install IntelliJ IDEA on your Linux distribution. Open the project containing the .IWS file, and the IDE will handle it appropriately.
  2. Text Editor: Use editors like Gedit, Vim, or VS Code to view or edit the XML content of the .IWS file.

Open In MAC

  1. IntelliJ IDEA: Install IntelliJ IDEA on macOS and open the project with the .IWS file. The IDE will manage the file as part of the project.
  2. Text Editor: Use TextEdit, Sublime Text, or VS Code to view or edit the XML data in the .IWS file.

Open In Android

  1. File Manager Apps: Use file manager apps that support XML viewing to access the .IWS file. You may need a dedicated XML viewer or editor app for more detailed interaction.

Open In IOS

  1. File Viewer Apps: Use file viewer or XML editor apps available on the App Store to open and view the .IWS file. Editing capabilities might be limited compared to desktop environments.

Open in Others

  1. IDE Integration: The .IWS file is primarily used with IntelliJ IDEA, and other IDEs or environments may not support it directly.
  2. XML Parsers: Use XML parsers or conversion tools to read or extract data from the .IWS file if needed for integration with other systems or applications.

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