.JFPROJ File Extension

.JFPROJ File Extension

JSON Font Project File

Developer Microsoft

Average rating 4 / 5. Vote count: 26

Category Font Files
Format .JFPROJ
Cross Platform Update Soon

What is an JFPROJ file?

.JFPROJ file extension stands out as a crucial element in the realm of font design and development. A .JFPROJ file, short for JSON Font Project File, encapsulates a font project’s essence in a structured JSON format.

This article delves into the origins, technical specifications, conversion methods, and accessibility across various operating systems of this intriguing file extension.

More Information.

The inception of the .JFPROJ file can be attributed to the growing complexity of font projects and the desire for a more organized approach to font creation.

Before its introduction, font projects were often stored in proprietary formats or fragmented across various files, making collaboration and version control challenging.

The .JFPROJ file aimed to streamline this process by providing a unified format that encapsulates all aspects of a font project, including glyph outlines, kerning pairs, metadata, and more.

Its initial purpose was to serve as a comprehensive container for font data, fostering collaboration among designers and developers while ensuring compatibility across different tools and platforms.

Origin Of This File.

The .JFPROJ file extension traces its roots to the ever-evolving landscape of font design and development. With the advent of digital typography and the increasing demand for custom fonts across various platforms, there arose a need for a standardized format to store font projects’ data.

Thus, the JSON Font Project File was born, offering a structured and versatile solution for font designers and developers.

File Structure Technical Specification.

.JFPROJ file is a JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) document that follows a predefined structure to organize font project data.

The technical specification of a .JFPROJ file typically includes key-value pairs representing various aspects of the font project, such as:

  1. Glyph outlines: Containing the shapes and contours of individual characters.
  2. Kerning pairs: Defining the spacing between specific character combinations.
  3. Font metrics: Including information on ascenders, descenders, and line spacing.
  4. Metadata: Describing the font’s name, designer, version, and licensing information.
  5. Project settings: Encompassing preferences related to hinting, rendering, and export options.

The JSON format offers flexibility and readability, allowing font designers and developers to easily parse and manipulate the data within .JFPROJ files using programming languages such as JavaScript.

How to Convert the File?

Converting a .JFPROJ file to other formats or vice versa typically involves specialized font design software or conversion tools.

While direct conversion between .JFPROJ and common font file formats like TrueType (.ttf) or OpenType (.otf) may not be straightforward due to the differences in structure and data representation, some software packages offer import/export functionalities to facilitate interoperability.

To convert a .JFPROJ file to a font file format suitable for distribution and use, follow these general steps:

  1. Open the .JFPROJ file: Use font design software that supports the .JFPROJ format to open the font project.
  2. Export as Font File: Once the font project is loaded, navigate to the export or save options and choose the desired font file format (e.g., TrueType or OpenType).
  3. Configure Settings: Depending on the target format and requirements, configure any additional settings related to font hinting, glyph subsets, or metadata.
  4. Save the Font File: Proceed to save the converted font file to the desired location on your computer.

Conversely, if you have a font file in a standard format and wish to import it into a .JFPROJ file for further editing or customization, look for import options within your font design software and follow similar steps to import the font data into a new .JFPROJ project file.

Advantages And Disadvantages.


  1. Unified Storage: .JFPROJ files consolidate font project data into a single, standardized format, simplifying collaboration and version control.
  2. Compatibility: Being based on JSON, .JFPROJ files are platform-independent and can be parsed by a wide range of programming languages and tools.
  3. Flexibility: Font designers can easily modify and extend .JFPROJ files to accommodate evolving project requirements and design iterations.


  1. Complexity: Understanding and manually editing .JFPROJ files may require familiarity with JSON syntax and font design principles.
  2. Tool Dependency: While .JFPROJ files offer compatibility across various tools, seamless integration may still depend on the specific font design software being used.
  3. File Size: Depending on the complexity of the font project, .JFPROJ files can become large in size, especially when including detailed glyph outlines and metadata.

How to Open JFPROJ?

Open In Windows

  • Use font design software such as FontForge or Glyphs to open .JFPROJ files on Windows. These applications offer comprehensive tools for font creation and editing, including support for importing and exporting .JFPROJ files.

Open In Linux

  • FontForge, an open-source font editor available for Linux, offers robust support for .JFPROJ files. Install FontForge through your distribution’s package manager and use it to open and edit .JFPROJ files on Linux.

Open In MAC

  • Glyphs is a popular choice for font design on MacOS and supports .JFPROJ files natively. Simply launch Glyphs and open the .JFPROJ file from the File menu to start working on your font project.

Open In Android

Open In IOS

Open in Others

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