.JGW File Extension

.JGW File Extension

JPEG World File

Developer ESRI

Average rating 3.2 / 5. Vote count: 17

Category GIS Files
Format .JGW
Cross Platform Update Soon

What is an JGW file?

The “.JGW” file extension may be associated with specific software or applications that use it for storing data, configurations, or settings.

More Information.

It likely serves to store data relevant to its associated application, such as geospatial information, settings, or metadata.

Origin Of This File.

Without specific context, the origin could vary, but it might be proprietary to certain software or a custom format.

File Structure Technical Specification.

The structure and specifications would depend entirely on the application that generates or uses these files. It could range from plain text configurations to binary data.

How to Convert the File?


  1. Identify Software: Determine which software created or can open the “.JGW” file. Look for GIS (Geographic Information System) software or specialized applications related to maps or geospatial data.
  2. Conversion Steps:
    • If the file is text-based, you might simply rename the extension to “.txt” and open it with a text editor.
    • For proprietary formats, use the associated software to export or save the data in a different, more universally readable format.


  1. Command Line Tools: Use terminal-based tools like file or cat to inspect or manipulate text-based content.
  2. Software: Identify Linux-compatible GIS or specialized software that supports “.JGW” files.
  3. Manual Conversion: If it’s a text file, renaming and using text editors like nano or vim could help. For other formats, use appropriate converters or viewer applications.


  1. Software: Similar to Windows and Linux, use GIS or specialized applications that support “.JGW” files.
  2. Text Editors: Rename to “.txt” for simple text inspection and editing.
  3. Conversion: Use software specific to the file’s intended purpose or export to a standard format like CSV or JSON if possible.


  1. Apps: Look for Android apps designed for GIS or file management that might support “.JGW” files.
  2. Compatibility: Ensure the app can handle the specific format; otherwise, consider converting to a more standard format for viewing or editing.


  1. Apps: Find iOS apps designed for GIS or file management that support “.JGW” files.
  2. Conversion: Similar to Android, convert to a more universally recognized format if needed for viewing or editing.

Other Operating Systems:

  1. Identify Tools: Depending on the OS, find software or apps that can handle or convert “.JGW” files.
  2. Compatibility: Ensure the tools or applications are capable of reading the specific format or converting it to something more widely used if necessary.

Advantages And Disadvantages.

Advantages include efficient storage of application-specific data. Disadvantages might include compatibility issues with other software.

How to Open JGW?

Open In Windows

Use the associated software or try opening with a text editor.

Open In Linux

Use compatible software or terminal-based tools like text editors.

Open In MAC

Similar to Linux, use appropriate software or text editors.

Open In Android

Require compatible apps or file management tools that can handle the specific format.

Open In IOS

Require compatible apps or file management tools that can handle the specific format.

Open in Others

Compatibility depends on software availability; typically, text editors or specialized applications might be required.

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