.JOS File Extension

.JOS File Extension

Java OpenStreetMap Session Definition

Developer OpenStreetMap

Average rating 3 / 5. Vote count: 1

Category GIS Files
Format .JOS
Cross Platform Update Soon

What is an JOS file?

The .JOS file is associated with OpenStreetMap (OSM), a collaborative project that creates free geographic data. It stores session data related to mapping activities using Java-based tools.

More Information.

The .JOS file structure may vary depending on the application using it, but generally, it includes settings, map layers, markers, routes, and other session-related data serialized in a format compatible with Java applications.

Origin Of This File.

The .JOS file format was likely introduced to facilitate the editing and management of OSM data through Java applications. It allows users to save their editing sessions, including map data modifications and annotations.

File Structure Technical Specification.

The exact structure of .JOS files can vary depending on the specific application or tool generating them. Typically, they include metadata about map views, layers, annotations, and editing history encoded in a format readable by Java-based OSM tools.

How to Convert the File?


  1. Using Java Applications:
    • Ensure you have Java installed on your Windows system.
    • Use Java-based mapping or GIS software that supports .JOS files.
    • Check if the software allows exporting or saving session data in common GIS formats like .GPX or .KML, which are widely supported.


  1. Java Tools:
    • Install Java Development Kit (JDK) on your Linux distribution.
    • Use Java-based applications designed for OpenStreetMap that support .JOS files.
    • Look for converters or tools within the Linux repository that might facilitate conversion to other GIS formats.


  1. Java Applications:
    • Install Java Runtime Environment (JRE) on your macOS.
    • Look for Java-based applications that support .JOS files.
    • Utilize these applications to export session data into compatible GIS formats like .GPX or .KML.


  1. Java-Based Apps:
    • Search for Android applications designed for OpenStreetMap that can handle .JOS files.
    • Use these apps to manage or convert .JOS files into formats suitable for Android-based mapping or GIS applications.


  1. iOS Apps:
    • Find iOS applications specifically designed for OpenStreetMap or GIS that support .JOS files.
    • These apps might offer tools to convert .JOS files into formats compatible with iOS devices, such as .GPX or .KML.

Other Platforms:

  1. Platform-Specific Tools:
    • For other platforms not covered (like specialized embedded systems or unique operating environments), explore if Java support is available.
    • Use Java-compatible tools or converters if applicable to handle .JOS files.

Advantages And Disadvantages.


  • Facilitates collaborative mapping efforts.
  • Saves session states for later editing.
  • Compatible with various Java-based mapping tools.


  • Dependency on Java environments.
  • Limited support outside of Java-based applications.
  • File structure and compatibility may vary across different tools.

How to Open JOS?

Open In Windows

Use Java-based applications that support .JOS files or converters if available.

Open In Linux

Similar to Windows, utilize Java-based tools or converters compatible with Linux environments.

Open In MAC

Java-based applications supporting .JOS files can be used on macOS systems.

Open In Android

Some Java-based Android applications may support .JOS files directly or through conversion.

Open In IOS

iOS devices may require specific applications designed to handle .JOS files, often Java-based or converters.

Open in Others

For other platforms, compatibility depends on the availability of Java support or converters tailored to those platforms.

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