.KML File Extension

.KML File Extension

Keyhole Markup Language File

Developer Google

Average rating 3.6 / 5. Vote count: 225

Category GIS Files
Format .KML
Cross Platform Update Soon

What is an KML file?

KML (Keyhole Markup Language) is an XML-based file format used for representing geographic data in applications such as Google Earth and Google Maps. It allows developers to define points, lines, polygons, and images on maps and 3D Earth browsers.

More Information.

Initially designed for use with Keyhole Earth Viewer (later Google Earth), KML aimed to provide a standard way to describe geographic information and visualization features on maps.

Origin Of This File.

KML was originally developed by Keyhole, Inc., a company acquired by Google in 2004. It became an open standard maintained by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) in 2008.

File Structure Technical Specification.

  • XML-based: KML files are structured using XML, making them readable by both humans and machines.
  • Elements: KML files contain elements like <Placemark>, <Point>, <LineString>, <Polygon>, etc., to define geographic features and their properties.
  • Styling: Styles and attributes can be applied to features for visual representation.

How to Convert the File?


  • Using QGIS:
    1. Open QGIS (a free and open-source GIS software).
    2. Go to Layer > Add Layer > Add Vector Layer.
    3. Choose the KML file you want to convert.
    4. Right-click on the layer and select Save As.
    5. Choose the desired output format (e.g., Shapefile, GeoJSON) and save.
  • Using Google Earth Pro:
    1. Open Google Earth Pro on your Windows PC.
    2. Go to File > Open and select your KML file.
    3. Once loaded, right-click on the imported layer in the Places panel.
    4. Choose Save Place As and select the desired format for conversion.


  • Using GDAL/OGR:
    1. Open a terminal window.
    2. Use the ogr2ogr command-line tool to convert KML to other formats (e.g., GeoJSON).
    3. Replace output.geojson with the desired output file name and format.
  • Using QGIS: Follow the same steps as for Windows.


  • Using Google Earth Pro: Follow the same steps as for Windows.
  • Using QGIS: Follow the same steps as for Windows.


  • Using Google Earth App:
    1. Open the Google Earth app on your Android device.
    2. Tap the menu icon and select Projects.
    3. Tap the “+” button to create a new project.
    4. Choose Import KML file and select your KML file.


  • Using Google Earth App:
    1. Open the Google Earth app on your iOS device.
    2. Tap the menu icon and select Projects.
    3. Tap the “+” button to create a new project.
    4. Choose Import KML file and select your KML file.


For other platforms, the process may vary depending on the available mapping or GIS applications. Look for apps that support KML import and export functionalities similar to those described for Android and iOS.

Advantages And Disadvantages.


  • Interoperability: Widely supported by mapping applications and services.
  • Ease of Use: Simple XML structure makes it easy to create and edit.
  • Visualization: Supports 2D and 3D visualization of geographic data.


  • Complexity: Advanced features can lead to complex file structures.
  • Performance: Large KML files can be slow to load and render in some applications.

How to Open KML?

Open In Windows

Use applications like Google Earth, ArcGIS Earth, or import into GIS software like QGIS.

Open In Linux

Similar tools are available on Linux, including QGIS and Google Earth via Wine or native Linux tools.

Open In MAC

Google Earth, Apple Maps, and various GIS applications like QGIS are available.

Open In Android

Google Earth app or other mapping applications that support KML.

Open In IOS

Google Earth app or other iOS mapping apps that support KML.

Open in Others

Various mapping and GIS applications on different platforms support KML files.

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