.KMZ File Extension

.KMZ File Extension

Google Earth Placemark File

Developer Google

Average rating 3.6 / 5. Vote count: 334

Category GIS Files
Format .KMZ
Cross Platform Update Soon

What is an KMZ file?

A .KMZ file is a compressed version of a Keyhole Markup Language (KML) file used by Google Earth and other geographic information systems (GIS) applications. It typically includes geographic data, such as points, lines, polygons, and images, along with metadata and formatting information.

More Information.

Initially designed for Google Earth, KMZ files serve the purpose of packaging geographic data and associated information into a single compressed file for easy distribution and viewing.

Origin Of This File.

The KMZ file format was developed by Keyhole, Inc., which was acquired by Google in 2004. It is widely used for sharing geographic data and placemarks across different platforms and applications.Initially designed for Google Earth, KMZ files serve the purpose of packaging geographic data and associated information into a single compressed file for easy distribution and viewing.

File Structure Technical Specification.

Contents: KMZ files can contain KML files (which are XML-based) along with other supporting files such as images (JPEG, PNG), icons, and overlays.

Compression: KMZ files are ZIP compressed archives, making them smaller and easier to distribute than uncompressed KML files.

Compatibility: They are compatible with various GIS applications that support KML/KMZ formats.

How to Convert the File?


  • Using Google Earth Pro:
    1. Open Google Earth Pro on your Windows computer.
    2. Go to File > Open... and select your .KMZ file.
    3. Once loaded, go to File > Save Place As....
    4. Choose the KML format from the drop-down menu and save the file.


  • Using GDAL (Geospatial Data Abstraction Library):
    1. Install GDAL if not already installed (sudo apt-get install gdal-bin on Debian-based systems).
    2. Open a terminal window.
    3. Use the ogr2ogr command to convert.


  • Using Google Earth Pro:
    1. Open Google Earth Pro on your Mac.
    2. Follow similar steps as for Windows (see above under Windows).


  • Using Google Earth App:
    1. Install the Google Earth app from the Play Store if not already installed.
    2. Open the app and tap on the menu icon (three horizontal lines).
    3. Select Projects.
    4. Tap on the plus icon (+) and choose Import KML file.
    5. Locate and select your .KMZ file from your device.


  • Using Google Earth App:
    1. Install the Google Earth app from the App Store if not already installed.
    2. Open the app and tap on the menu icon (three horizontal lines).
    3. Select Projects.
    4. Tap on the plus icon (+) and choose Import KML file.
    5. Locate and select your .KMZ file from your device.

Advantages And Disadvantages.

Advantages: Compact size due to compression, easy to share and distribute, supports rich multimedia content (images, videos), compatible with multiple GIS platforms.

Disadvantages: Dependency on external content (like images and overlays), potential file corruption issues due to compression, requires specific software (like Google Earth) to view.

How to Open KMZ?

Open In Windows

Use Google Earth or GIS software like QGIS that supports KMZ/KML files.

Open In Linux

Open with QGIS, Marble, or Google Earth through Wine or a virtual machine.

Open In MAC

Open with Google Earth or GIS applications like QGIS.

Open In Android

Google Earth app or other GIS apps available on the Play Store.

Open In IOS

Google Earth app or other compatible GIS apps from the App Store.

Open in Others

Various GIS applications and online services support KMZ files for viewing and editing geographic data.

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