.LSC File Extension

.LSC File Extension

Logo! Soft Comfort File

Developer Siemens

Average rating 4.1 / 5. Vote count: 14

Category Page Layout Files
Format .LSC
Cross Platform Update Soon

What is an LSC file?

The .LSC file extension is associated with Logo! Soft Comfort, a software used for programming and simulating Siemens PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) devices.

These files are integral to the configuration and management of PLCs, storing crucial programming data in a structured format.

More Information.

Logo! Soft Comfort was introduced to cater to the growing demand for user-friendly PLC programming tools. It aimed to bridge the gap between advanced industrial automation needs and accessibility for small businesses and educational institutions.

The .LSC files were designed to store everything from logic configurations to user interface settings, ensuring comprehensive project management capabilities.

Origin Of This File.

Siemens developed Logo! Soft Comfort to simplify the programming of their PLCs, primarily targeting small automation projects.

The .LSC file format emerged as the standard way to save and exchange project configurations among users and devices.

File Structure Technical Specification.

.LSC files are structured to encapsulate various elements of a PLC project:

  • Logic Configurations: Includes ladder diagrams, function block diagrams, and sequential function charts.
  • Device Settings: Parameters specific to Siemens PLC hardware configurations.
  • User Interface: Graphical elements and user-defined interfaces for monitoring and controlling automation processes.

Technically, .LSC files are often XML-based, ensuring they are human-readable and can be edited with basic text editors if necessary.

They contain metadata and configuration data that Logo! Soft Comfort is used to interpret and execute the PLC program.

How to Convert the File?

Converting .LSC files may involve exporting them to formats compatible with other PLC programming software or versions. This process typically requires:

  1. Export Functionality: Use Logo! Soft Comfort’s export feature to convert .LSC files to formats like .XLS for documentation or .TXT for raw data extraction.
  2. Third-Party Tools: Some third-party PLC programming software may offer tools to import .LSC files or convert them into their native formats.

Advantages And Disadvantages.


  1. Ease of Use: Logo! Soft Comfort and .LSC files simplify PLC programming, making it accessible to beginners.
  2. Comprehensive Features: Supports various PLC configurations and integrates well with Siemens hardware.
  3. Portability: .LSC files can be easily shared and transferred between different instances of Logo! Soft Comfort.


  1. Dependency on Siemens Ecosystem: Limited compatibility with non-Siemens PLC systems.
  2. Complexity in Large Projects: While suitable for small to medium-sized projects, handling large-scale automation tasks may require more advanced tools.

How to Open LSC?

Open In Windows

  • Install Logo! Soft Comfort on a Windows PC.
  • Double-click the .LSC file to open it directly within the software.

Open In Linux

  • Similar to macOS, use virtualization software or consider Wine compatibility layers to run Logo! Soft Comfort.
  • Look for open-source PLC programming alternatives that support .LSC files natively or through conversion tools.

Open In MAC

  • Use virtualization software like Parallels or VMware to run Windows and install Logo! Soft Comfort within the virtual environment.
  • Alternatively, explore PLC programming software that supports .LSC file import on macOS.

Open In Android

Open In IOS

Open in Others

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