.LTF File Extension

.LTF File Extension

Laser App Temp Form File

Developer Laser App Software

Average rating 4 / 5. Vote count: 5

Category Page Layout Files
Format .LTF
Cross Platform Update Soon

What is an LTF file?

The .LTF file extension is associated with Laser App, a widely used software in the financial services industry for streamlining form filling and processing.

These files, known as Laser App Temp Form files, play a crucial role in managing and organizing client data, particularly in fields such as insurance, investment planning, and financial advisory services.

More Information.

The history of .LTF files traces back to the need for standardized and efficient form filling processes within financial advisory practices.

Laser App introduced these files to enable advisors to quickly generate, customize, and fill out forms necessary for client transactions, compliance, and documentation purposes.

Origin Of This File.

.LTF files were developed as part of Laser App Technology, a company specializing in software solutions tailored for the financial services sector.

These files serve as templates for various forms used within the industry, allowing financial advisors and professionals to efficiently gather and process client information.

File Structure Technical Specification.

.LTF files are structured to store template data in a format that allows for easy retrieval and modification. They typically include fields for client information, regulatory requirements, and customizable sections tailored to specific financial products or services.

The technical specifications ensure compatibility with Laser App software, ensuring seamless integration and functionality across different operating environments.

How to Convert the File?

Converting .LTF files may be necessary when sharing documents with clients or colleagues who do not use Laser App. Several methods can facilitate conversion:

  • Export to PDF: Laser App often allows exporting .LTF files to PDF format, which is universally readable across different platforms and software.
  • Data Extraction Tools: Utilize data extraction tools to convert .LTF files into formats like Excel (XLSX) or CSV for further analysis or integration with other software.

Advantages And Disadvantages.


  1. Efficiency: They streamline the process of form filling and document creation, saving time for financial advisors and their support staff.
  2. Customization: .LTF files can be customized to meet specific regulatory and organizational requirements, enhancing compliance and operational efficiency.
  3. Integration: They integrate well with other financial software systems, facilitating data exchange and workflow automation.
  4. Accuracy: By using .LTF templates, the risk of errors in data entry and document preparation is significantly reduced, improving overall data accuracy.


  1. Dependency on Laser App: .LTF files are proprietary to Laser App software, which may limit compatibility with other non-Laser App systems without conversion.
  2. Cost: There may be costs associated with acquiring and maintaining Laser App software licenses, which could be a consideration for smaller firms or individual advisors.
  3. Learning Curve: Initial setup and training may be required to fully utilize .LTF files and the Laser App software effectively.

How to Open LTF?

Open In Windows

  • Install Laser App: If not already installed, download and install Laser App software from the official website.
  • Double-Click: Locate the .LTF file on your Windows computer and double-click on it. This action should automatically launch Laser App and open the .LTF file within the application.

Open In Linux

Open In MAC

  • Install Laser App: Ensure Laser App is installed on your macOS device. You can download it from the official Laser App website and follow the installation instructions.
  • Open with Laser App: Double-click on the .LTF file in Finder or use the ‘Open With’ option to select Laser App. The file should open within the Laser App interface.

Open In Android

Open In IOS

Open in Others

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