.MAP File Extension

.MAP File Extension

Quake Engine Game Map

Developer id Software

Average rating 3.9 / 5. Vote count: 191

Category Game Files
Format .MAP
Cross Platform Update Soon

What is an MAP file?

MAP files are associated with games developed on the Quake Engine, primarily known for its use in first-person shooter games. These files contain data related to the layout and design of in-game environments, including terrain, structures, items, and other elements essential for gameplay.

More Information.

MAP files were created to provide a standardized format for storing level designs and environments within games powered by the Quake Engine. They served as a means for game developers to efficiently create, modify, and share game levels, facilitating the expansion of the gaming community through user-generated content and modding.

Origin Of This File.

The MAP file format originated with the release of the Quake game series developed by id Software. It was initially designed to store level or map data for Quake and later extended for use in various other games and mods built on the Quake Engine.

File Structure Technical Specification.

MAP files typically consist of textual data encoded in a specific format defined by the Quake Engine. They contain information such as vertex coordinates, texture mappings, entity placements, lighting details, and other attributes necessary to render the game environment accurately. The structure may vary slightly depending on the version of the Quake Engine used, but generally follows a hierarchical format.

How to Convert the File?


To convert a MAP file on Windows, you can use various level editing software or game development tools that support the Quake Engine format. One popular option is TrenchBroom, a cross-platform level editor that works seamlessly on Windows. Simply open the MAP file in TrenchBroom and use its export functionalities to convert the file to a different format, such as .OBJ or .FBX, which are widely supported in other game engines.


On Linux, you can utilize tools like Worldcraft or NetRadiant, which are compatible with the Quake Engine format. Open the MAP file in one of these editors and then export it to a format suitable for your desired use. These editors often support exporting to formats like .OBJ or .FBX, ensuring compatibility with other game engines and level editing software.


For Mac users, tools like TrenchBroom, Worldcraft, or NetRadiant also work well for converting MAP files. Simply open the file in one of these editors and use the export feature to save it in a format supported by your target platform or game engine. Formats such as .OBJ or .FBX are commonly used for interoperability with other software on macOS.


Converting MAP files on Android devices can be challenging due to the limited availability of specialized editing software. However, some gaming apps may offer basic level editing capabilities, allowing you to import and modify MAP files directly on your Android device. Alternatively, you can transfer the MAP file to a Windows or macOS computer and use compatible editing software as mentioned earlier.


Similar to Android, converting MAP files on iOS devices may require transferring the file to a computer running Windows, macOS, or Linux for processing using compatible editing software like TrenchBroom, Worldcraft, or NetRadiant. While there may be limited options for directly converting MAP files on iOS devices, you can still edit and export them on other platforms for use in iOS-compatible game engines or development environments.

Advantages And Disadvantages.


  • Provides a standardized format for designing game levels across various titles using the Quake Engine.
  • Facilitates the creation of custom maps and mods by the gaming community.
  • Allows for easy sharing and distribution of user-generated content.


  • Limited compatibility outside of games built on the Quake Engine.
  • Requires familiarity with the specific syntax and conventions of the MAP file format for effective editing and manipulation.
  • May lack advanced features or capabilities found in more modern level design tools and formats.

How to Open MAP?

Open In Windows

MAP files can be opened on Windows using compatible level editors or game development software designed to work with the Quake Engine file format.

Open In Linux

Similar to Windows, Linux users can utilize compatible editing tools or run Quake Engine games with support for MAP files through emulation or compatibility layers.

Open In MAC

MAP files are accessible on Mac systems using compatible editing software or by running Quake Engine games compatible with macOS.

Open In Android

MAP files may be opened on Android devices through specialized gaming apps or level editors available on the Google Play Store.

Open In IOS

Similar to Android, iOS users can access MAP files using compatible gaming apps or level editors from the Apple App Store.

Open in Others

MAP files may have limited support on other platforms, but compatibility can be extended through emulation, virtualization, or custom software solutions tailored for specific operating systems.

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