.MJML File Extension

.MJML File Extension

Mailjet Markup Language File

Developer Mailjet

Average rating 3 / 5. Vote count: 3

Category Web Files
Format .MJML
Cross Platform Update Soon

What is an MJML file?

The .MJML file extension refers to files that use the Mailjet Markup Language (MJML), a markup language designed specifically for creating responsive email templates.

MJML is an open-source project developed by Mailjet, an email service provider, to simplify the process of crafting HTML emails that are visually appealing and function correctly across various devices and email clients.

This file format allows developers and designers to write email templates in a more intuitive and efficient manner.

More Information.

The development of MJML began as a response to the complexities associated with crafting responsive email templates.

Before MJML, email designers had to deal with the limitations and inconsistencies of various email clients and their rendering engines.

HTML and CSS support in email clients often varied, leading to significant challenges in achieving consistent results.

MJML was created with the goal of abstracting these complexities into a more manageable format. By providing a higher-level markup language, MJML enables designers to write cleaner, more readable code that gets automatically translated into responsive HTML and inline CSS.

This simplifies the development process and reduces the time and effort required to create emails that look good on all devices.

Origin Of This File.

MJML was introduced by Mailjet, a company that specializes in email marketing and transactional email services.

Founded in 2010, Mailjet is known for its tools that help businesses manage and optimize their email communications.

The MJML project was initiated to address the challenges of creating responsive email designs, a task that often involves intricate HTML and CSS coding to ensure compatibility across different platforms and email clients.

File Structure Technical Specification.

A .MJML file is essentially a text file that contains MJML code. The structure of an MJML file is designed to be intuitive and easy to understand, with elements and attributes that correspond to common email design components. Here is a basic outline of the MJML file structure:

  • Root Element: Every MJML document starts with the <mjml> tag, which is the root element of the document.
  • Head Section: Within the <mjml> element, there is an optional <mj-head> section where global styles and meta-information can be specified.
  • Body Section: The <mj-body> element contains the content of the email. Inside this section, various MJML components like <mj-section>, <mj-column>, and <mj-text> are used to build the layout and content.
  • Components: MJML provides a range of components that represent common email design elements, such as headings, text blocks, images, buttons, and more. Each component has attributes that allow customization of appearance and behavior.

Technical Specification:

  • Syntax: MJML syntax is similar to HTML, making it relatively easy for those familiar with web development to pick up.
  • Rendering: MJML files are processed by the MJML engine, which converts the MJML code into responsive HTML and inline CSS. This processed HTML can be used directly in email campaigns.
  • Support: MJML is designed to be compatible with a wide range of email clients, including major ones like Gmail, Outlook, and Apple Mail.

How to Convert the File?

MJML files need to be converted into HTML before they can be used in email campaigns. This conversion is typically done using the MJML engine, which can be run locally or through online tools. Here’s how you can convert an MJML file:

1. Local Conversion:

  • Install MJML: First, install the MJML engine on your local machine. This can be done via npm (Node Package Manager) with the command npm install -g mjml.
  • Convert the File: Use the command mjml input.mjml -o output.html to convert your MJML file into HTML.

2. Online Tools:

  • Mailjet offers an online MJML editor that allows you to write and preview MJML code, and then export the resulting HTML.

Advantages And Disadvantages.


  1. Simplified Development: MJML abstracts away the complexities of email design, allowing developers to write cleaner and more maintainable code.
  2. Responsive Design: MJML ensures that emails are responsive and look good on various devices, including smartphones, tablets, and desktops.
  3. Cross-Client Compatibility: By generating HTML and CSS that is compatible with different email clients, MJML helps avoid common rendering issues.
  4. Time Efficiency: The use of MJML can significantly reduce development time compared to manually coding responsive email templates.


  1. Learning Curve: While MJML is designed to be user-friendly, there is still a learning curve for those who are new to the language or email design.
  2. Dependency: MJML requires the MJML engine to convert the markup into HTML, adding a step to the development process.
  3. Limited Customization: While MJML covers many common email design needs, there may be cases where highly specific customizations are not fully supported.

How to Open MJML?

Open In Windows

  • Text Editors: You can use editors like Notepad++, Visual Studio Code, or Sublime Text to open and edit .MJML files.
  • Conversion: Use the MJML CLI tool to convert MJML files to HTML.

Open In Linux

  • Text Editors: Use editors like Gedit, VS Code, or Nano.
  • Conversion: The MJML CLI tool can be installed via npm, and conversion can be performed through the terminal.

Open In MAC

  • Text Editors: Options include TextEdit, Sublime Text, or Atom.
  • Conversion: Similarly, the MJML CLI tool can be used for conversion, and MJML can be installed via Homebrew.

Open In Android

Open In IOS

Open in Others

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