.MJS File Extension

.MJS File Extension

Node.js ES Module File

Developer Update Soon

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Category Web Files
Format .MJS
Cross Platform Update Soon

What is an MJS file?

The .MJS file extension is associated with JavaScript module files, specifically designed for Node.js, a popular server-side JavaScript runtime environment.

The .MJS extension signifies that the file is an ES (ECMAScript) module, adhering to the ECMAScript standard for modular JavaScript code.

This format facilitates the organization and reuse of code by allowing developers to split their code into reusable, independent modules.

More Information.

JavaScript, originally designed for client-side scripting in web browsers, lacked a standardized module system.

This limitation led to various ad-hoc solutions, such as IIFE (Immediately Invoked Function Expressions) and the CommonJS module system, the latter becoming the de facto standard in Node.js.

These solutions had their drawbacks, particularly when dealing with dependencies and module loading.

The release of ES6 in 2015 marked a significant milestone, introducing a native module system to JavaScript.

This system, known as ES modules, provided a standardized way to define and import modules, addressing the limitations of previous solutions.

The .MJS file extension was introduced to clearly differentiate ES modules from CommonJS modules in Node.js, ensuring compatibility and enabling developers to leverage the benefits of both systems.

Origin Of This File.

The .MJS file extension emerged from the evolution of JavaScript, particularly the development of the ES6 (ECMAScript 2015) specification.

ES6 introduced the concept of modules to JavaScript, enabling better code organization, reusability, and maintainability.

As Node.js aimed to integrate ES6 modules into its environment, the need for a distinct file extension to differentiate ES modules from CommonJS modules (the traditional module format in Node.js) became evident. Thus, the .MJS file extension was born.

File Structure Technical Specification.

The .MJS file follows the structure and syntax defined by the ES Module specification:

1. Import and Export Statements:

  • import: Used to bring in modules or specific parts of a module.
  • export: Used to expose variables, functions, or classes from the module.

2. Default and Named Exports:

  • Default Export: A single export per module.
  • Named Export: Multiple exports from a module, each with a unique name.

3. Static Structure: ES Modules are statically analyzed, meaning the structure of imports and exports is known before the code is executed.

4. Module Scope: Variables and functions declared in a module are scoped to that module and do not pollute the global namespace.

5. Strict Mode: ES Modules are always in strict mode, enforcing stricter parsing and error handling of JavaScript code.

6. Asynchronous Loading: Modules can be loaded asynchronously, which is particularly beneficial for performance in large applications.

How to Convert the File?

Converting a .JS file (CommonJS) to a .MJS file (ES Module) involves a few key steps:

  1. Rename File Extension: Change the file extension from .JS to .MJS.
  2. Update Import/Export Syntax: Replace CommonJS require and module.exports with ES Module import and export statements.
  3. Ensure Compatibility: Verify that all dependencies and project configurations support ES Modules.

Advantages And Disadvantages.


  1. Standardization: ES modules provide a standardized way to define and use modules, promoting consistency across projects and libraries.
  2. Improved Code Organization: Modules help break down complex codebases into manageable, reusable components, enhancing code maintainability and readability.
  3. Asynchronous Loading: The ability to load modules asynchronously improves application performance, especially in web applications.
  4. Static Analysis: ES modules enable static analysis tools to perform optimizations like tree shaking, reducing the final bundle size.
  5. Interoperability: ES modules are interoperable with other JavaScript environments, such as browsers, enabling seamless code sharing between client-side and server-side code.


  1. Compatibility Issues: The dual support for ES modules and CommonJS in Node.js can lead to compatibility issues, requiring careful handling when mixing the two module types.
  2. Configuration Overhead: Setting up projects to use ES modules may require additional configuration, such as specifying the "type": "module" field in package.json or renaming files to use the .MJS extension.
  3. Learning Curve: Developers familiar with CommonJS may need to adapt to the ES module syntax and conventions.

How to Open MJS?

Open In Windows

  • Node.js Installation: First, ensure that Node.js is installed on your system. You can download the installer from the official Node.js website and follow the installation instructions.
  • Command Prompt: Open the Command Prompt. Navigate to the directory where the .MJS file is located.
  • Execution: Use the appropriate command to run the file, ensuring Node.js executes it.

Open In Linux

  • Node.js Installation: Install Node.js using your distribution’s package manager, such as APT for Debian-based systems or YUM for Red Hat-based systems.
  • Terminal: Open a terminal window. Navigate to the directory containing the .MJS file.
  • Execution: Use the terminal to execute the file, leveraging Node.js.

Open In MAC

  • Node.js Installation: Install Node.js using a package manager like Homebrew, which simplifies the installation process.
  • Terminal: Open the Terminal application. Navigate to the directory with the .MJS file.
  • Execution: Run the file through the terminal with Node.js.

Open In Android

  • Node.js Apps: Install an application from the Google Play Store that supports Node.js, such as Termux, which provides a Linux environment on Android.
  • Environment Setup: Use the app to set up Node.js within the Android environment.
  • Execution: Navigate to the directory containing the .MJS file within the app and execute it using the available commands.

Open In IOS

  • Node.js Apps: Install a Node.js-compatible application from the App Store, such as the Play.js app, which provides a Node.js environment on iOS devices.
  • Environment Setup: Use the app to set up Node.js within the iOS environment.
  • Execution: Navigate to the directory containing the .MJS file within the app and run it using the provided features.

Open in Others

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