.MP2M File Extension

.MP2M File Extension

Max Payne 2 Mod

Developer Rockstar Games

Average rating 4.2 / 5. Vote count: 9

Category Game Files
Format .MP2M
Cross Platform Update Soon

What is an MP2M file?

MP2M files are used by Microsoft MapPoint to store maps, routes, and location data. They are primarily used for geographical and cartographical purposes, allowing users to visualize and analyze geographical information.

More Information.

Microsoft MapPoint was introduced in the late 1990s and was popular for mapping solutions before it was discontinued in 2014. MP2M files were used within this software to save and share map data.

Origin Of This File.

These files originate from Microsoft MapPoint, a discontinued software that provided mapping capabilities for users to create, view, and edit maps on their computers.

File Structure Technical Specification.

MP2M files store geographical data including map layers, routes, waypoints, and other spatial information. The exact structure can vary based on the version of MapPoint used, but typically they are binary files optimized for storing map-related data efficiently.

How to Convert the File?


  1. Using Microsoft MapPoint (if available):
    • Open the MP2M file in Microsoft MapPoint.
    • Export or save the data in a different format supported by MapPoint (like CSV, Excel, or KML).
  2. Third-Party Conversion Tools:
    • Look for third-party software that supports MP2M file conversion.
    • Examples might include GIS software like QGIS or converters specifically designed for MapPoint files.


  1. Use Wine (for running Windows applications):
    • Install Wine (Windows compatibility layer) on Linux.
    • Attempt to run Microsoft MapPoint through Wine to open and convert MP2M files.
  2. Alternative GIS Software:
    • Use open-source GIS software like QGIS.
    • Attempt to import MP2M files into QGIS; if successful, export to a more widely supported format like KML or GPX.


  1. Use Wine or CrossOver (for running Windows applications):
    • Install Wine or CrossOver on macOS.
    • Attempt to run Microsoft MapPoint through these tools to open and convert MP2M files.
  2. Alternative GIS Software:
    • Use macOS-compatible GIS software like QGIS.
    • Attempt to import MP2M files into QGIS; if successful, export to a more widely supported format like KML or GPX.


  1. Third-Party Apps:
    • Look for Android apps that claim to support GIS data or map file conversions.
    • These apps might allow you to convert MP2M files to formats like KML that are more commonly used on mobile platforms.


  1. Third-Party Apps:
    • Similar to Android, search for iOS apps that support GIS data or map file conversions.
    • These apps may provide tools to convert MP2M files to formats compatible with iOS apps or cloud services.

Other Platforms:

  1. Third-Party Conversion Services:
    • Use online conversion services that support MP2M files.
    • Upload the MP2M file to these services and convert it to a more universal format like KML or GPX.
  2. Consult with GIS Professionals:
    • If specialized conversion is needed for a particular platform, consult with GIS professionals or developers who might have experience with proprietary map file formats.

Advantages And Disadvantages.


  • Efficient storage of complex geographical data.
  • Integration with other Microsoft products of its time.


  • Deprecated software with no ongoing support or updates.
  • Compatibility issues with newer operating systems and software.

How to Open MP2M?

Open In Windows

Originally designed for Windows, MP2M files can be opened with Microsoft MapPoint if it is still installed. Alternatively, third-party tools or converters might provide limited support.

Open In Linux

Limited native support; third-party software or converters may be required to open or convert MP2M files.

Open In MAC

Limited native support; third-party software or converters may be required to open or convert MP2M files.

Open In Android

No native support; third-party applications might support viewing or converting MP2M files.

Open In IOS

No native support; third-party applications might support viewing or converting MP2M files.

Open in Others

Compatibility is limited outside of Windows; specialized software or converters are typically necessary.

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