.MP2S File Extension

.MP2S File Extension

Max Payne 2 Saved Game

Developer Rockstar Games

Average rating 4.4 / 5. Vote count: 11

Category Game Files
Format .MP2S
Cross Platform Update Soon

What is an MP2S file?

.MP2S files are used to store MPEG-2 System Streams, which are a type of multimedia container format. These files can contain video, audio, and other types of data in a multiplexed format.

More Information.

The MPEG-2 System Stream format was introduced to facilitate the transmission and storage of multimedia data, often used in DVDs, digital television, and other digital video broadcasting formats.

Origin Of This File.

.MP2S files originate from the MPEG-2 standard, which was developed by the Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG). This standard was designed for the coding of moving pictures and audio, and .MP2S files are part of its system stream format.

File Structure Technical Specification.

.MP2S files typically consist of packets of data, where packets from different elementary streams (such as video, audio, and subtitle) are interleaved. They adhere to the specifications defined in the MPEG-2 standard for multiplexing audio and video streams.

How to Convert the File?

  1. Windows:
    • Using Software: If specific software that supports .MP2S files exists for Windows, open the file in that application and save/export it to a different format.
    • Online Converters: Some online conversion services might support .MP2S files, but exercise caution with file security and privacy.
  2. Linux:
    • Software Compatibility: Check if Wine (Windows compatibility layer for Linux) can run any Windows applications that support .MP2S files.
    • Alternative Formats: If possible, try opening the file in a compatible Linux application or convert it using command-line tools if supported.
  3. macOS:
    • Software Availability: Look for macOS versions of software that can open or convert .MP2S files.
    • Cross-platform Tools: Consider using cross-platform software that supports macOS and handles the conversion of proprietary formats.
  4. Android:
    • App Compatibility: Check the Google Play Store for apps that claim to support .MP2S files or conversion tools.
    • Online Services: Some online conversion services might have Android-compatible interfaces, allowing file conversion directly on the device.
  5. iOS:
    • App Store Apps: Search the App Store for iOS apps that support .MP2S files or provide conversion capabilities.
    • Cloud Services: Use cloud storage services that offer conversion features accessible via iOS apps.
  6. Other Platforms:
    • Specific Software: For less common platforms, identify any specialized software or cross-platform tools that may support .MP2S files.
    • Universal Formats: Convert .MP2S files to universally recognized formats (like MP3 for audio, MP4 for video) where possible for broader compatibility.

Advantages And Disadvantages.


  • Efficient multiplexing of different media streams.
  • Widely supported across various platforms and devices.
  • Suitable for distribution of multimedia content.


  • Requires appropriate codec support for decoding.
  • Complex structure can sometimes lead to compatibility issues.

How to Open MP2S?

Open In Windows

If there’s compatible software, .MP2S files can be opened by double-clicking them if associated with the correct application.

Open In Linux

Linux compatibility depends on available software. Using Wine or similar tools might enable opening .MP2S files if a Windows application is required.

Open In MAC

macOS compatibility depends on software availability. Some applications might have macOS versions or can run through emulation.

Open In Android

Android devices typically require compatible apps to open specific file formats. Check the Google Play Store for relevant applications.

Open In IOS

iOS devices similarly require apps that support opening .MP2S files. Check the App Store for any relevant applications.

Open in Others

Compatibility with other platforms would depend on specific software availability or cross-platform tools.

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