.MWM File Extension

.MWM File Extension

Space Engineers 3D Model File

Developer Keen Software House

Average rating 3.8 / 5. Vote count: 8

Category Game Files
Format .MWM
Cross Platform Update Soon

What is an MWM file?

The .MWM file is used in Space Engineers to store 3D models of various objects and structures within the game world. These models are essential for rendering and interacting with objects in the game environment.

More Information.

Initially introduced with the game’s early access release in 2013, .MWM files were designed to facilitate the creation and customization of objects within the game world, allowing players to construct and modify spaceships, stations, and other structures.

Origin Of This File.

The .MWM file format was developed by Keen Software House, the creators of Space Engineers, to handle the complex geometries and textures of game objects efficiently.

File Structure Technical Specification.

Geometry: .MWM files typically include detailed geometric data such as vertices, polygons, and texture coordinates.

Textures: They also reference textures used for surface appearance and detailing.

Hierarchy: They may include hierarchical information about the model’s structure, essential for animations and complex assemblies in the game.

How to Convert the File?


  1. Using Space Engineers Modding Tools:
    • Space Engineers provides modding tools that can export .MWM files to formats like .OBJ, .FBX, or .STL.
    • Steps typically involve opening the model in the modding tool, selecting export options, and choosing the desired format.
  2. Third-Party Software:
    • Tools like Blender or 3ds Max can import .MWM files (with plugins or converters) and then export them to various 3D formats.
    • Open the .MWM file in the software, export it to a compatible format like .OBJ, .FBX, or .STL.


  1. Wine Compatibility Layer:
    • Install Space Engineers using Wine (a compatibility layer) and use the built-in modding tools or community plugins to export .MWM files.
    • Follow similar steps as on Windows, using modding tools to export to other 3D formats.
  2. CrossOver or PlayOnLinux:
    • These tools provide graphical front-ends for Wine and may simplify the process of installing and running Space Engineers.

macOS (Mac)

  1. Boot Camp or Virtualization:
    • Use Boot Camp to run Windows on a Mac or virtualization software like Parallels Desktop or VMware Fusion.
    • Install Space Engineers on the Windows environment and use the modding tools as on Windows.
  2. Third-Party Tools and Emulators:
    • Tools like Wine for macOS or CrossOver may also provide a way to run Space Engineers and utilize modding tools for conversion.

Android and iOS

Converting .MWM files on mobile platforms is highly challenging due to platform limitations and the proprietary nature of the files.

Typically, this would involve:

  1. Export and Conversion on PC/Mac:
    • Use a computer to convert .MWM files to a compatible format (like .OBJ, .FBX, or .STL).
    • Transfer the converted file to your Android or iOS device using cloud storage, USB transfer, or other methods.
  2. Mobile Viewing Only:
    • Use specialized 3D viewing apps on Android or iOS that support .MWM files directly (if available), although editing or converting capabilities will be limited.

Other Platforms

For other platforms not explicitly covered (like specialized gaming consoles or embedded systems):

  1. Compatibility and Porting:
    • Check if Space Engineers or similar modding tools are available or can be adapted for the platform in question.
    • In many cases, proprietary formats like .MWM may require significant adaptation or reverse engineering to be usable outside of their native environment.

Advantages And Disadvantages.


  • Efficiency: .MWM files are optimized for real-time rendering, ensuring smooth gameplay performance.
  • Customization: They allow players to create and share custom designs, enhancing the game’s creativity and replayability.


  • Proprietary Format: .MWM files are specific to Space Engineers, limiting their use outside the game without conversion.
  • Complexity: Handling .MWM files requires familiarity with 3D modeling and game development concepts.

How to Open MWM?

Open In Windows

.MWM files are primarily used and manipulated within Space Engineers on Windows.

Open In Linux

Limited native support; typically requires running Space Engineers through compatibility layers or using modding tools.

Open In MAC

Similar to Linux, requires workarounds or third-party software for use.

Open In Android

.MWM files are not directly compatible and require extensive conversion and adaptation due to the game’s platform limitations.

Open In IOS

.MWM files are not directly compatible and require extensive conversion and adaptation due to the game’s platform limitations.

Open in Others

Given .MWM files are proprietary and tied to Space Engineers, opening them on non-standard platforms involves significant adaptation, often through conversion or emulation on compatible systems.

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