.NUD File Extension

.NUD File Extension

Now Up-To-Date Calendar File

Developer Now Software

Average rating 3 / 5. Vote count: 7

Category Page Layout Files
Format .NUD
Cross Platform Update Soon

What is an NUD file?

The .NUD file extension is associated with Now Up-To-Date (NUD), a calendar and scheduling software developed by Now Software. It was popular in the early 1990s and was used primarily on Apple Macintosh computers.

More Information.

Now Up-To-Date (NUD) was a calendar and scheduling software originally developed by Now Software for Apple Macintosh computers. It was launched in the early 1990s with the primary purpose of providing comprehensive scheduling capabilities, including event management, reminders, and group scheduling features.

Origin Of This File.

Now Up-To-Date was originally developed by Now Software for Macintosh computers. It gained popularity as a comprehensive calendar and scheduling application during its time, offering features like event scheduling, reminders, and group scheduling.

File Structure Technical Specification.

The .NUD file contains calendar data, including event details, reminders, and scheduling information. It may store multiple calendars within a single file, organized by date and event type.

How to Convert the File?


  1. Using Mac Emulation or Virtualization:
    • Install a Mac emulator or use virtualization software like VMware or VirtualBox on Windows.
    • Install a compatible version of Now Up-To-Date for Mac within the emulator or virtual machine.
    • Open the .NUD file using the Now Up-To-Date software running on the virtualized Mac environment.


  1. Mac Emulation or Virtualization:
    • Similar to Windows, use Mac emulation or virtualization software (e.g., Wine, VMware, or VirtualBox).
    • Install a compatible version of Now Up-To-Date for Mac within the emulator or virtual machine.
    • Open the .NUD file using the Now Up-To-Date software running on the virtualized Mac environment.


  1. Using Original Software:
    • If you have access to a compatible version of Now Up-To-Date for macOS, simply open the .NUD file using this software.
    • Ensure the software is compatible with your current macOS version, as older versions of Now Up-To-Date may not run on newer macOS releases.

Android and iOS:

  1. Transferring to Desktop:
    • Transfer the .NUD file to a desktop computer (Windows or Mac).
    • Use one of the methods mentioned above (emulation or virtualization on Windows or Mac) to open the file.

Others (Unsupported Platforms):

  1. Cross-Platform Conversion Tools:
    • Due to the proprietary nature of .NUD files and their limited support, there are no widely available cross-platform conversion tools.
    • Consider transferring the file to a compatible system (Windows or Mac) and using emulation or virtualization as described.

Advantages And Disadvantages.


  • Comprehensive scheduling features.
  • Ability to manage multiple calendars.
  • Support for recurring events and reminders.


  • Limited cross-platform compatibility.
  • The software is outdated, with limited support and updates.
  • Potential issues with file compatibility across different versions of Now Up-To-Date.

How to Open NUD?

Open In Windows

.NUD files are not directly compatible with Windows. Consider using a Mac emulator or virtual machine to access these files.

Open In Linux

Similar to Windows, Linux does not natively support .NUD files. Emulation or virtualization of Mac OS may be necessary.

Open In MAC

Now Up-To-Date files can be opened directly on Mac computers using the original Now Up-To-Date software if it’s compatible with your macOS version.

Open In Android

No native support exists for .NUD files on mobile platforms. Consider transferring files to a compatible desktop system for access.

Open In IOS

No native support exists for .NUD files on mobile platforms. Consider transferring files to a compatible desktop system for access.

Open in Others

Due to its Mac-centric origins and proprietary nature, .NUD files are generally inaccessible on other platforms without emulation or conversion.

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