.OO3TEMPLATE File Extension

.OO3TEMPLATE File Extension

OmniOutliner Template

Developer The Omni Group

Average rating 2.5 / 5. Vote count: 6

Category Page Layout Files
Cross Platform Update Soon

What is an OO3TEMPLATE file?

.OO3TEMPLATE files are templates used by OmniOutliner, designed to provide predefined structures and formatting for creating new outlines within the software.

More Information.

These templates were introduced to streamline the creation of structured documents, offering users a starting point with predefined styles, formatting, and organizational elements.

Origin Of This File.

Developed by The Omni Group specifically for use with OmniOutliner.

File Structure Technical Specification.

.OO3TEMPLATE files contain XML-based data that defines the structure, styles, and other settings used within OmniOutliner. They may include placeholders, default text, and formatting guidelines.

How to Convert the File?


  1. Convert to PDF or RTF: Open the .OO3TEMPLATE file in OmniOutliner on macOS, then export it as a PDF or RTF (Rich Text Format) file. Transfer this file to Windows for use in compatible software like Microsoft Word or Adobe Acrobat Reader.


  1. Use Web-Based Tools: Upload the .OO3TEMPLATE file to a web-based outlining tool that supports OmniOutliner formats or offers import functionality.


  1. Export to Common Formats: Open the .OO3TEMPLATE file in OmniOutliner, then export it to PDF, RTF, or plain text. These formats are widely compatible with other macOS applications and platforms.


  1. Use Compatible Outlining Apps: Since direct support for .OO3TEMPLATE files on Android is limited, consider exporting the outline from OmniOutliner on macOS to a format like PDF or plain text. Use Android apps that support these formats for viewing and editing.


  1. Export and Use iOS Apps: Export the .OO3TEMPLATE file from OmniOutliner on macOS to a compatible format like PDF or plain text. Transfer it to iOS and use apps that support these formats for viewing and editing.

Other Platforms

  1. Use Universal Formats: Export the .OO3TEMPLATE file from OmniOutliner on macOS to PDF, RTF, or plain text. These formats are generally supported across different platforms and can be used with appropriate software for viewing and editing.

Advantages And Disadvantages.


  • Streamlines document creation with predefined structures.
  • Ensures consistency in document formatting.
  • Saves time by eliminating the need to recreate layouts from scratch.


  • Limited flexibility compared to manually created outlines.
  • May not suit users needing highly customized layouts.

How to Open OO3TEMPLATE?

Open In Windows

.OO3TEMPLATE files are primarily designed for macOS and iOS and may not have direct support in Windows. You might need to use software like OmniOutliner for Windows or find alternative outlining tools that support importing from OmniOutliner.

Open In Linux

Similar to Windows, direct support for .OO3TEMPLATE files in Linux is limited. Using virtualization or emulation software to run macOS applications might be necessary.

Open In MAC

Double-clicking the .OO3TEMPLATE file should automatically open it in OmniOutliner or prompt you to choose an application if multiple programs can handle the file type.

Open In Android

Direct support for .OO3TEMPLATE files on Android and iOS is also limited. Consider using web-based tools compatible with OmniOutliner formats or exporting to a more universal format like PDF or plain text.

Open In IOS

Direct support for .OO3TEMPLATE files on Android and iOS is also limited. Consider using web-based tools compatible with OmniOutliner formats or exporting to a more universal format like PDF or plain text.

Open in Others

Compatibility outside macOS and iOS generally requires exporting the file to a more widely accepted format like PDF, RTF, or plain text for use in other software or platforms.

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