.OPJU File Extension

.OPJU File Extension

Origin Unicode Project

Developer OriginLab

Average rating 3.7 / 5. Vote count: 15

Category Data Files
Format .OPJU
Cross Platform Update Soon

What is an OPJU file?

The .OPJU file extension is primarily associated with Origin, a popular scientific graphing and data analysis software developed by OriginLab Corporation.

These files serve as project files that contain data, graphs, analysis settings, and more. They play a pivotal role in the workflow of scientists, engineers, and researchers, allowing them to manage, analyze, and visualize complex datasets efficiently.

More Information.

The introduction of the .OPJU file extension came as part of Origin’s commitment to keeping up with technological advancements.

These files were introduced to support Unicode characters, making it possible for Origin users worldwide to work with datasets and labels in various languages and character sets.

Prior to the .OPJU extension, Origin relied on a different file format, “.OPJ,” which did not fully support Unicode characters.

Origin Of This File.

The .OPJU file extension is a product of the OriginLab Corporation, which was founded by Dr. C.P. Yang and Dr. Guangming Wu in the early 1990s.

OriginLab’s mission was to create a powerful software solution for data analysis and graphing, specifically designed for the needs of scientists and engineers. Over the years, Origin has evolved into a comprehensive tool for data visualization, analysis, and reporting.

File Structure Technical Specification.

.OPJU files are essentially structured project files that store a wide range of information related to data analysis and graphing. The technical specifications of these files include:

  • Data: .OPJU files can contain datasets in various formats, including numeric, text, and date/time data.
  • Graphs: Users can create and save multiple graphs within a single .OPJU file, each with its own settings and customization.
  • Analysis Settings: Analysis settings, such as regression parameters or peak fitting configurations, are stored within the file.
  • Graph Customization: Details about graph axes, labels, legends, and other customizations are preserved.
  • Templates: Users can save templates for future use, ensuring consistency across projects.
  • Metadata: Information about the project, author, date, and more can be included.
  • Annotations: Any annotations or notes related to the data or graphs can be attached to the project.

How to Convert the File?

Converting .OPJU files, which are associated with Origin software, may be necessary if you need to share your data or graphs with others who do not have access to Origin. Here are some common conversion options:

Export to PDF:

  • Open the .OPJU file in Origin.
  • Select the graph or report you want to convert to PDF.
  • Go to the “File” menu and choose “Export” or “Save As.”
  • In the export options, select “PDF” as the file format.
  • Configure any additional settings, such as page size or quality.
  • Click “Save” to convert the selected content to a PDF file. You can then share this PDF file with others, and they can view it using a PDF reader like Adobe Acrobat.

Export Data:

  • Open the .OPJU file in Origin.
  • Go to the worksheet containing the data you want to export.
  • Select the data range you want to export.
  • Right-click on the selected data and choose “Export” or “Copy.”
  • Choose the desired format, such as CSV, Excel, or text file.
  • Configure any export options, such as delimiter settings or column headers.
  • Save the exported file to your desired location.

Export Graphs:

  • Open the .OPJU file in Origin.
  • Select the specific graph you want to export.
  • Right-click on the graph and choose “Copy” or “Export.”
  • Choose the file format for the exported graph, such as PNG, JPEG, or vector formats like SVG or EPS.
  • Configure any additional settings, such as image resolution or quality.
  • Save the exported graph to your desired location.

Import into Other Software:

  • Some data analysis software packages may offer limited compatibility with .OPJU files. Check if your software supports importing Origin project files.
  • If your software supports it, you may be able to directly open or import .OPJU files into that software. However, keep in mind that not all features and settings from the original Origin project may be preserved during the import process, so some adjustments may be needed.

Advantages And Disadvantages.


  • Multilingual Support: .OPJU files offer complete Unicode support, allowing users to work with data in multiple languages and character sets.
  • Comprehensive Data Management: Users can consolidate data, analysis, and visualization settings in one file, simplifying project management.
  • Customization: Origin software provides extensive customization options for graphs and analysis, all of which can be saved within .OPJU files.
  • Compatibility: Origin is a widely-used tool in scientific and engineering communities, ensuring compatibility with colleagues and collaborators.
  • Version Control: Origin software includes version control features, helping users track changes in .OPJU files.


  • Specialized Software: .OPJU files can only be fully utilized with Origin software, which may require a learning curve for new users.
  • File Size: Complex projects with extensive data and graphs can lead to large .OPJU files, potentially causing storage and transfer issues.
  • License Costs: Access to the full range of Origin’s features may come at a cost, which can be a drawback for budget-conscious users.

How to Open OPJU?

Open In Windows

.OPJU files can be directly opened with Origin software, which is primarily designed for Windows. Simply double-click the .OPJU file, and it should launch Origin, allowing you to access the project.

Open In Linux

Origin is primarily designed for Windows, but some Linux users may run it through compatibility layers or virtual machines, such as Wine or PlayOnLinux.

You can install these compatibility layers and then attempt to open .OPJU files using Origin within the Linux environment. Compatibility may vary depending on your specific Linux distribution and setup.

Open In MAC

Origin for Mac is available, but it may have limited functionality compared to the Windows version. If you have Origin for Mac installed, you can open .OPJU files by double-clicking them.

Please check for compatibility with your specific macOS version, as well as any potential limitations in the Mac version of Origin.

Open In Android

Origin software is not natively available for Android devices. Attempting to open .OPJU files on Android would likely require converting the file to a compatible format, such as PDF or image, on a Windows or Mac computer first, and then transferring it to your Android device for viewing.

Open In IOS

Similar to Android, Origin software is not available for iOS devices. To view .OPJU files on an iOS device, you would typically need to convert the file to a compatible format (e.g., PDF, image).

on a Windows or Mac computer and then transfer it to your iOS device through email, cloud storage, or other file-sharing methods. You can then use compatible iOS apps to view the converted files.

Open in Others

For other operating systems not mentioned above, the availability of Origin software or compatible viewers may be even more limited.

In most cases, you would need to convert .OPJU files to a more universally supported format before attempting to open them on non-standard operating systems. Third-party tools or specialized converters might be necessary for this purpose.

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