.OSK File Extension

.OSK File Extension

osu! Skin File

Developer peppy

Average rating 4.4 / 5. Vote count: 92

Category Game Files
Format .OSK
Cross Platform Update Soon

What is an OSK file?

.OSK file extension is primarily associated with the popular rhythm game osu!. It serves as a container for skins in the game, allowing players to customize the visual and auditory aspects of their gameplay experience.

These files are crucial for personalizing the game’s interface, from the appearance of hit circles and sliders to the sounds associated with gameplay actions.

More Information.

The .OSK file format was introduced to streamline the distribution of skins within the osu! community.

Before its introduction, players manually installed skins by replacing game assets in designated folders. This manual process was prone to errors and inconsistencies.

The .OSK format provided a packaged solution that encapsulated all skin elements into a single file, simplifying installation and ensuring compatibility across different versions of the game.

Origin Of This File.

osu! was created by Dean Herbert in 2007 as an open-source rhythm game inspired by games like Elite Beat Agents and Ouendan.

Over time, the game gained a dedicated community that contributed various skins, which led to the development of the .OSK file format to simplify the process of sharing and installing skins.

File Structure Technical Specification.

The .OSK file is essentially a compressed archive (ZIP format) that contains all necessary assets and configuration files required for the skin.

Typical contents include images for hit circles, sliders, and backgrounds, as well as sound files for game actions such as hit sounds and music.

The structure may vary slightly depending on the complexity of the skin, but it generally includes folders for images, sounds, and a configuration file (usually named skin.ini).

How to Convert the File?

Converting .OSK files typically involve extracting their contents. Since .OSK files are essentially ZIP archives, and most operating systems provide built-in tools for extraction:

  1. Windows: Right-click the .OSK file and select “Extract All…”.
  2. MacOS: Double-click the .OSK file to extract its contents using the built-in Archive Utility.
  3. Linux: Use the unzip command in the terminal (unzip filename.osk) to extract the contents.

After extraction, users can modify individual files or components within the skin and repackage them into a new .OSK file if desired.

Advantages And Disadvantages.


  • Ease of Installation: Users can install skins by simply importing .OSK files through the game interface.
  • Portability: Skins packaged as .OSK files are easy to share and distribute.
  • Customization: Players can completely change the visual and auditory experience of the game to suit their preferences.


  • Limited Compatibility: .OSK files are specific to osu! and cannot be used directly with other games or applications.
  • Dependency on Game Updates: Changes in-game updates may occasionally require skin creators to update their .OSK files for compatibility.

How to Open OSK?

Open In Windows

  • Right-click on the .OSK file, select ‘Open with…’, and choose an archive utility like WinRAR or 7-Zip to extract its contents.

Open In Linux

  • Command-line tools like ‘unzip’ can be used to extract the .OSK file contents.

Open In MAC

  • Use the built-in Archive Utility or third-party applications like The Unarchiver to extract files from the .OSK archive.

Open In Android

Open In IOS

Open in Others

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