.PBN File Extension

.PBN File Extension

Portable Bridge Notation File

Developer Update Soon

Average rating 2.9 / 5. Vote count: 11

Category Game Files
Format .PBN
Cross Platform Update Soon

What is an PBN file?

.PBN files are primarily used to store bridge game data electronically. They serve as a standardized format for recording bridge games, capturing details such as the sequence of plays, bidding information, and player actions.

This format allows players and enthusiasts to archive games, analyze strategies, and share game records with others seamlessly.

More Information.

.PBN files emerged as a successor to earlier, less standardized methods of recording bridge games digitally.

Initially conceived in the late 1980s and refined over subsequent years, the format gained significant traction by the late 1990s and early 2000s.

Its primary purpose was to facilitate the exchange of bridge game records between different software programs and platforms, ensuring compatibility and ease of use for bridge enthusiasts and professionals alike.

Origin Of This File.

The Portable Bridge Notation format was introduced to address the need for a universal method to document bridge games in a digital format.

Its development aimed to provide a structured way to store and exchange bridge game data across different software applications and platforms.

The format gained popularity due to its simplicity and ease of implementation, becoming a standard for bridge players and software developers alike.

File Structure Technical Specification.

.PBN files adhere to a straightforward structure designed to capture essential details of a bridge game. Typically, a .PBN file includes:

  1. Header Information: Metadata such as the title of the game, date, location, and event details.
  2. Deal Information: Specifies the initial distribution of cards among the players.
  3. Bidding Sequence: Records the bidding actions taken by each player during the game.
  4. Play Sequence: Details the sequence of cards played by each player throughout the game.
  5. Result Information: Summarizes the outcome of the game, including scores and final declarations.

The format employs plain text encoding, making it readable across different platforms and software environments without the need for specialized tools.

How to Convert the File?

Converting .PBN files between different formats or to other file types typically involves specialized software designed for bridge game data. Here are general steps to convert .PBN files:

  1. Identify Conversion Needs: Determine whether you need to convert .PBN files to another format for specific software compatibility or analysis purposes.
  2. Use Bridge Software: Many bridge software applications include built-in tools for importing, exporting, and converting .PBN files. Utilize these features to convert files as needed.
  3. Third-Party Tools: There are third-party tools available online that specialize in converting .PBN files to formats like PDF, CSV, or directly into other bridge software formats.
  4. Follow Instructions: Each conversion tool may have its own set of instructions. Follow these instructions carefully to ensure a successful conversion process.

Advantages And Disadvantages.


  • Universal Compatibility: .PBN files can be opened and processed by a wide range of bridge software applications.
  • Ease of Sharing: Facilitates easy sharing and distribution of bridge game records among players and analysts.
  • Structured Format: Provides a structured way to archive and analyze bridge games, enhancing learning and strategy development.


  • Limited Multimedia Support: .PBN files focus exclusively on textual data and do not support multimedia elements or complex formatting.
  • Potential for Human Error: Since .PBN files are manually created or edited, there’s a risk of inconsistencies or errors in data entry.
  • Dependency on Software: Interpretation of .PBN files may vary slightly between different bridge software applications, impacting compatibility in certain cases.

How to Open PBN?

Open In Windows

  • Use bridge software like Bridge Baron or Bridge Base Online, which natively support .PBN files.
  • Alternatively, use a text editor like Notepad or Notepad++ to view .PBN files, though the readability may be compromised due to the structured format.

Open In Linux

  • Use bridge software like PBNJ or Bridge Base Online through Wine (Windows compatibility layer).
  • Text editors such as Vim or Emacs can open .PBN files for viewing and basic editing.

Open In MAC

  • Similar to Windows, bridge software such as GIB, Shark Bridge, or Bridge Base Online can open .PBN files.
  • Text editors like TextEdit can also display .PBN files, though specialized software is recommended for full functionality.

Open In Android

Open In IOS

Open in Others

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