.PCR File Extension

.PCR File Extension

PCMark Vantage Benchmark File

Developer FutureMark

Average rating 3.7 / 5. Vote count: 3

Category Data Files
Format .PCR
Cross Platform Update Soon

What is an PCR file?

.PCR file extension is primarily associated with the “Polymerase Chain Reaction” file type, often used in molecular biology and genetic research.

This specialized file format is designed to store data related to PCR experiments, which are used to amplify and analyze small segments of DNA or RNA. The .PCR file contains information that is crucial for the interpretation and documentation of the experiment’s results.

More Information.

.PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) technology was invented in the 1980s by Kary Mullis, and it revolutionized molecular biology and genetics. The primary purpose of the .PCR file was to provide a robust and efficient way to store the data generated from PCR experiments.

This includes information about the DNA sequence, the primers used, the temperature cycles, and the results of the amplification process.

The file format was designed to ensure that the data is not only stored compactly and efficiently but is also easily retrievable for analysis and interpretation.

Origin Of This File.

The .PCR file extension emerged from the need to standardize data storage and analysis in the field of molecular biology.

As PCR technology became a staple in genetic research and diagnostics, there was a growing requirement for a dedicated file format that could accurately represent the complex data involved in these experiments.

This led to the development of the .PCR file format, which is tailored to encapsulate all necessary information in a structured and accessible manner.

File Structure Technical Specification.

.PCR file is structured to encapsulate various pieces of information essential for a comprehensive understanding of the PCR experiment. The file typically includes:

  1. Header Information: Metadata about the experiment, including the date, the researcher’s name, and the purpose of the experiment.
  2. Primer Information: Details about the primers used in the PCR, including sequences and concentrations.
  3. Thermal Cycling Conditions: Specifics about the temperature cycles used during the PCR.
  4. Sample Information: Data about the samples used, including their source and preparation details.
  5. Results: The outcome of the PCR, is often represented in a format that can be easily input into data analysis software.

The technical specification of .PCR files ensure that they are not only comprehensive but also compatible with various data analysis and visualization tools used in genetic research.

How to Convert the File?

Converting .PCR files to other formats are often necessary for compatibility with various data analysis and reporting tools. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to convert these files:

  1. Choose a Conversion Tool: Select a bioinformatics software capable of handling .PCR files. Popular choices include Geneious, SnapGene, and CLC Genomics Workbench. These tools generally offer conversion options to formats like .FASTA, .CSV, or .TXT.
  2. Install the Software: Download and install the chosen software on your computer, ensuring it’s compatible with your operating system.
  3. Open the .PCR File: Launch the software and use the ‘Open’ or ‘Import’ option to load your .PCR file.
  4. Select the Conversion Format: Once the .PCR file is open, look for an ‘Export’ or ‘Save As’ option. Select the format you wish to convert the file to.
  5. Save the New File: Choose a location to save the new file and complete the conversion process.
  6. Verify the Conversion: Open the converted file in a relevant application to ensure the conversion process is successful and the data is intact.

Advantages And Disadvantages.


  1. Standardization: .PCR files provide a standardized way to store complex PCR data, facilitating easier sharing and analysis.
  2. Compatibility: Many bioinformatics tools support the .PCR format, making it easier for researchers to analyze and visualize their data.
  3. Data Integrity: The structured format helps in maintaining the integrity of the data, reducing the chances of data corruption or loss.


  1. Complexity: For those unfamiliar with PCR or the specific software tools, the .PCR files can be complex and challenging to understand.
  2. Software Dependency: Accessing and interpreting .PCR files typically require specialized software, which may not be readily available or may come at a cost.

How to Open PCR?

Open In Windows

  1. Select Suitable Software: Choose a Windows-compatible bioinformatics software like Geneious, SnapGene, or CLC Genomics Workbench.
  2. Install the Software: Download and install your chosen software.
  3. Open the File: Launch the software and use the ‘Open’ function to access the .PCR file.

Open In Linux

  1. Find Compatible Software: Linux users might need to opt for command-line tools or Linux-compatible bioinformatics applications. EMBOSS and BioEdit are good options.
  2. Install the Tool: Use your Linux distribution’s package manager to install the software.
  3. Access the File: Open the software and load the .PCR file for analysis.

Open In MAC

  1. Choose macOS-Compatible Software: Software like Geneious or SnapGene also works on macOS.
  2. Install the Software: Download the macOS version and follow the installation process.
  3. Open the File: Use the software to open and analyze the .PCR file.

Open In Android

Open In IOS

Open in Others

Opening .PCR files on Android and iOS are more challenging due to the limited availability of specialized bioinformatics software on these platforms. There are a few steps you can take:

  1. Use Mobile-Compatible Tools: Look for mobile apps designed for viewing genetic data. These might be more limited in functionality compared to desktop software.
  2. Remote Desktop Option: Use a remote desktop app to access a computer with the necessary software installed. This allows you to open and view .PCR files remotely.
  3. Convert the File: Convert the .PCR file into a more mobile-friendly format like .TXT or .PDF using desktop software, and then transfer it to your mobile device for viewing.
  4. Cloud-Based Solutions: Some cloud-based bioinformatics platforms may offer tools to view and analyze .PCR files directly from a web browser on your mobile device.

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