.PCSAV File Extension

.PCSAV File Extension

Mass Effect 2 Saved Game

Developer Electronic Arts

Average rating 3.3 / 5. Vote count: 4

Category Game Files
Format .PCSAV
Cross Platform Update Soon

What is an PCSAV file?

The .PCSAV file extension is associated primarily with saved game files for Mass Effect 2.

These files store crucial information about the player’s progress, including character data, mission status, inventory, and in-game decisions.

By saving this data, .PCSAV files enable players to preserve their game state and resume gameplay without losing their progress.

More Information.

Mass Effect 2 is part of the larger Mass Effect series, which is renowned for its intricate storytelling and player-driven narratives.

The series’ developers needed a way to track the numerous variables and decisions that players could make throughout the game.

The .PCSAV file format was introduced as a solution to this challenge, allowing for the storage of detailed game states.

This capability was essential not only for maintaining continuity within Mass Effect 2 but also for ensuring that player choices could be carried forward into subsequent games in the series, like Mass Effect 3.

Origin Of This File.

The .PCSAV file format was developed by BioWare specifically for Mass Effect 2. Given the complexity and branching nature of the game’s narrative, there was a need for a robust file format that could accurately capture and store a player’s choices and progress.

The .PCSAV extension was thus created to serve this purpose, ensuring that players could continue their journeys without interruption.

File Structure Technical Specification.

The .PCSAV files are binary files, meaning they contain data in a format that is readable by the game engine but not easily interpretable by humans without specialized software. These files typically include:

  1. Header Information: This section contains metadata about the file, such as version number and timestamp.
  2. Player Data: This segment stores details about the player’s character, including attributes, skills, and equipment.
  3. Game State: This part of the file keeps track of the game’s state, such as completed missions, active quests, and decisions made by the player.
  4. World Data: Information about the game’s environment, including the state of various locations and non-player characters (NPCs).

Technical Specifications

  • Format: Binary
  • File Size: Varies based on the extent of progress and complexity of the saved data
  • Compression: Typically not compressed, though some tools might offer compression features
  • Encryption: Generally not encrypted, but can be altered using specific save game editors

How to Convert the File?

While .PCSAV files are specific to Mass Effect 2, there are instances where players might need to convert these files, particularly for use with save editors or for importing into other games in the series. Conversion tools and save editors can assist with this process:

  1. Gibbed’s Mass Effect 2 Save Editor: This popular tool allows players to edit and convert .PCSAV files. It supports exporting data to formats compatible with other games in the series.
  2. Manual Conversion: Advanced users can manually convert .PCSAV files by extracting their data and reformatting it to suit the target application. This process typically involves hexadecimal editing and a deep understanding of the file’s structure.

Advantages And Disadvantages.


  1. Continuity: .PCSAV files allow players to maintain continuity in their gameplay, preserving their progress and decisions.
  2. Portability: These files can be transferred between different systems, enabling players to continue their game on a different machine.
  3. Detailed Data Storage: The format supports the storage of complex data, ensuring all aspects of the player’s progress are saved.


  1. Compatibility Issues: Opening and modifying .PCSAV files can be challenging without the right tools, as they are not designed for easy human readability.
  2. Corruption Risk: As with any file, .PCSAV files can become corrupted, potentially resulting in lost progress.
  3. Dependency on Game Version: Changes in game versions or updates might affect the compatibility of older .PCSAV files.

How to Open PCSAV?

Open In Windows

  • Native Opening: Mass Effect 2 can natively open .PCSAV files to load saved games.
  • Save Editors: Tools like Gibbed’s Mass Effect 2 Save Editor can be used to open and edit .PCSAV files.
  • Hex Editors: For advanced users, hex editors like HxD can open .PCSAV files for manual editing.

Open In Linux

  • Game Compatibility Layers: Tools like Wine or Proton can run the Windows version of Mass Effect 2, allowing .PCSAV files to be opened natively by the game.
  • Save Editors: Gibbed’s Save Editor can be used via Wine to open and modify .PCSAV files.
  • Hex Editors: Programs like GHex can be employed for manual file editing.

Open In MAC

  • Using Mass Effect 2: The game itself, if available on macOS, can open these files directly.
  • Third-Party Tools: Similar to Windows, Gibbed’s Save Editor (running via Wine or a similar compatibility layer) can be used to open and edit .PCSAV files.
  • Hex Editors: Applications like Hex Fiend can be used for manual inspection and editing.

Open In Android

Open In IOS

Open in Others

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