.PHN File Extension

.PHN File Extension

Algodoo Phun Phunlet

Developer Algoryx Simulation

Average rating 3.8 / 5. Vote count: 5

Category Game Files
Format .PHN
Cross Platform Update Soon

What is an PHN file?

.PHN files are primarily used by Algodoo (formerly Phun), a physics simulation software designed to facilitate interactive learning and experimentation with virtual physics.

These files contain data that defines objects, constraints, and behaviors within a simulated environment.

Users create .PHN files to simulate various physical phenomena, ranging from simple mechanical interactions to complex dynamic systems.

More Information.

Phun was created as a tool to democratize physics education and simulation, allowing users of all ages and backgrounds to explore and experiment with physics concepts in a virtual environment.

The introduction of .PHN files enabled users to save their simulations, share them with others, and collaborate on projects involving physics-based simulations.

Origin Of This File.

The .PHN file format originated with Phun, a precursor to Algodoo, developed by Emil Ernerfeldt in 2007.

Initially conceived as a physics sandbox, Phun gained popularity for its intuitive interface and the ability to simulate realistic physics interactions with ease.

As the software evolved into Algodoo, .PHN files continued to serve as the standard format for saving and sharing simulations.

File Structure Technical Specification.

.PHN files are essentially XML-based documents that store detailed information about the objects, materials, forces, and interactions present within a simulation. The structure typically includes:

  • Objects: Defined shapes such as circles, rectangles, polygons, and custom shapes.
  • Materials: Properties like density, friction, and restitution that define how objects interact.
  • Constraints: Relationships and rules governing interactions between objects (e.g., joints, springs).
  • Forces: External influences affecting the simulation (e.g., gravity, magnetic fields).

The XML format ensures that .PHN files are human-readable and modifiable using text editors, which facilitates customization and scripting within Algodoo.

How to Convert the File?

Converting .PHN files to other formats typically involve exporting simulations to formats supported by other physics simulation software or 3D modeling tools.

Algodoo itself supports export to formats like OBJ (Wavefront) for 3D models and SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) for vector-based representations.

To convert .PHN files:

  1. Open Algodoo: Launch Algodoo and load the .PHN file.
  2. Export: Navigate to the export options within Algodoo and choose the desired format (e.g., OBJ or SVG).
  3. Save: Specify the export settings and save the file to the desired location on your computer.

Advantages And Disadvantages.


  • Educational Tool: Facilitates interactive learning of physics principles through experimentation.
  • Creativity: Enables users to create complex simulations with intuitive tools and visual feedback.
  • Community: Access to a vast library of user-generated .PHN files encourages collaboration and sharing of ideas.


  • Complexity: Creating intricate simulations may require a steep learning curve.
  • Performance: Simulations involving numerous objects or complex interactions can strain system resources.
  • Compatibility: Sharing .PHN files may be limited by compatibility issues between different versions of Algodoo.

How to Open PHN?

Open In Windows

  • Download and install Algodoo from the official website.
  • Double-click the .PHN file to open it in Algodoo.

Open In Linux

  • Install Algodoo using Wine or another compatibility layer if a native Linux version isn’t available.
  • Use Algodoo to open .PHN files after installation.

Open In MAC

  • Obtain Algodoo from the Mac App Store or the official website.
  • Open the .PHN file by double-clicking it or using the “Open with” option and selecting Algodoo.

Open In Android

Open In IOS

Open in Others

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