.PPX File Extension

.PPX File Extension

Serif PagePlus Template File

Developer Serif

Average rating 3.9 / 5. Vote count: 10

Category Page Layout Files
Format .PPX
Cross Platform Update Soon

What is an PPX file?

The .PPX file extension is associated with Serif PagePlus, a desktop publishing software developed by Serif.

Specifically, .PPX files are template files used within PagePlus, containing predefined layouts, styles, and formatting settings that users can utilize as starting points for their own documents.

More Information.

The .PPX file format was introduced to streamline the process of creating new documents in PagePlus. Templates stored in .PPX format could include pre-designed layouts for brochures, newsletters, posters, and other types of publications.

Users could customize these templates by adding text, images, and modifying styles while retaining the original structure and design elements.

Origin Of This File.

Serif PagePlus, launched by Serif in the early 1990s, aimed to provide users with powerful yet accessible tools for creating professional-quality publications.

The .PPX file format emerged as a convenient way to save and share document templates across different projects, ensuring consistency and efficiency in document design.

File Structure Technical Specification.

.PPX files are structured to include layout settings, text styles, graphical elements, and placeholders for user content.

They are typically saved in a proprietary format optimized for PagePlus’s rendering engine, ensuring compatibility and fidelity when documents are edited or exported.

Technical specifications of .PPX files may vary across different versions of Serif PagePlus, but they generally include:

  • Layout grid settings
  • Font styles and attributes
  • Embedded images and vector graphics
  • Placeholder text and variable fields for dynamic content insertion

How to Convert the File?

Converting .PPX files to other formats may be necessary to utilize templates in different software or share them with users who do not have Serif PagePlus. Here’s how to convert .PPX files:

  1. Export as PDF: Open the .PPX file in Serif PagePlus and export it as a PDF document, which retains layout and formatting but can be viewed universally.
  2. Save as .PPX and .PPS: Serif PagePlus allows saving .PPX files in other formats like .PPS (Serif PagePlus Publication) for compatibility with older versions or alternative uses.
  3. Convert to .DOC or .RTF: Open the .PPX file in Serif PagePlus, then export or save it as .DOC (Microsoft Word) or .RTF (Rich Text Format) for broader compatibility with other word processors.

Advantages And Disadvantages.


  • Efficiency: Saves time by providing pre-designed layouts and styles.
  • Consistency: Ensures uniformity in document design across projects.
  • Ease of Use: Simplifies the creation of complex publications with structured templates.


  • Compatibility Limitations: .PPX files are primarily compatible with Serif PagePlus, limiting their usability outside of this software.
  • Proprietary Format: Requires Serif PagePlus to create, edit, or fully utilize .PPX templates.
  • File Size: Depending on content embedded, .PPX files can be larger in size compared to standard document formats.

How to Open PPX?

Open In Windows

  • Use Serif PagePlus software to open .PPX files directly. Alternatively, convert .PPX files to PDF or other supported formats for use in other applications.

Open In Linux

  • Similar to macOS, opening .PPX files on Linux involves using emulation or conversion tools to access or convert .PPX files into formats supported by Linux-based applications.

Open In MAC

  • Serif PagePlus is primarily Windows-based, so opening .PPX files on macOS may require running Windows software through emulation or conversion to compatible formats like PDF.

Open In Android

Open In IOS

Open in Others

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