.PSPROJ File Extension

.PSPROJ File Extension

The Print Shop Project File

Developer Broderbund

Average rating 4 / 5. Vote count: 6

Category Page Layout Files
Format .PSPROJ
Cross Platform Update Soon

What is an PSPROJ file?

.PSPROJ file extension is associated with projects created using The Print Shop software, developed by Broderbund.

This file format stores various elements of a project created within The Print Shop, including layout designs, graphics, text formatting, and other project-specific details.

It is primarily used for creating and editing print materials such as greeting cards, banners, posters, and more.

More Information.

Initially, The Print Shop was revolutionary for its time, providing home computer users with tools to design and print their own materials.

The .PSPROJ file format was introduced to save and edit projects within the software, allowing users to revisit and modify their designs at any time.

This capability significantly enhanced the software’s utility, enabling iterative design improvements without the need to start from scratch.

Origin Of This File.

The Print Shop software was first introduced in the early 1980s by Broderbund, originally designed to enable users to create high-quality print projects without requiring advanced design skills.

Over the years, it has evolved to incorporate more sophisticated features while maintaining its user-friendly interface, making it accessible to both casual users and professionals.

File Structure Technical Specification.

The .PSPROJ file is essentially a proprietary format that encapsulates all components of a Print Shop project. It typically includes:

  • Graphics: Imported images and clipart used within the project.
  • Text: Formatted text elements such as headlines, body text, and captions.
  • Layout Information: Positioning of elements, page settings, and overall design structure.
  • Project Metadata: Information about the project settings, such as paper size, orientation, and print options.

The exact structure can vary based on the version of The Print Shop and the complexity of the project.

How to Convert the File?

Converting .PSPROJ files to other formats can be necessary to share projects with users who do not have The Print Shop software. Here are some conversion options:

  • Export to PDF: The Print Shop software typically allows exporting projects as PDF files, which can be universally opened and printed using Adobe Acrobat Reader or similar applications.
  • Convert to Image Formats: Individual pages or elements of a .PSPROJ file can be exported as JPEG or PNG images, preserving visual fidelity.
  • Import into Other Design Software: Some design software may support importing .PSPROJ files directly, although compatibility may vary.

Advantages And Disadvantages.


  • User-Friendly: Designed for users with varying levels of design expertise.
  • Comprehensive Toolset: Includes a wide range of templates, graphics, and text editing tools.
  • Versatile Output: Supports printing on various paper sizes and formats.


  • Proprietary Format: .PSPROJ files are specific to The Print Shop software and may not be easily opened in other programs without conversion.
  • Compatibility Issues: Older versions of .PSPROJ files may not be fully compatible with newer software updates, requiring backward compatibility checks.

How to Open PSPROJ?

Open In Windows

  • Install The Print Shop software compatible with your version of Windows. Double-click the .PSPROJ file to open it directly within the application.

Open In Linux

  • While The Print Shop is not natively supported on Linux, users can explore compatibility options through Wine or other Windows emulation tools.

Open In MAC

  • Broderbund offers versions of The Print Shop for macOS. Ensure you have the correct version installed, then open the .PSPROJ file from within the software.

Open In Android

Open In IOS

Open in Others

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