.PUBLICATION File Extension

.PUBLICATION File Extension

Twixl Publisher Publication

Developer Twixl media

Average rating 3.2 / 5. Vote count: 6

Category Page Layout Files
Cross Platform Update Soon

What is an PUBLICATION file?

The .PUBLICATION file extension is associated with Twixl Publisher, a robust digital publishing platform used to create and distribute interactive content across various devices.

These files are specifically designed to encapsulate all components of a digital publication, including multimedia elements, layout designs, and interactive features.

Publishers utilize .PUBLICATION files to deliver engaging content seamlessly on tablets, smartphones, and other digital platforms.

More Information.

Initially introduced to bridge the gap between print and digital media, Twixl Publisher aimed to empower publishers with tools to create immersive digital experiences.

The .PUBLICATION file format was conceived to ensure that publishers could maintain layout fidelity and interactivity while optimizing content for digital consumption.

Origin Of This File.

Twixl Publisher emerged as a solution for publishers seeking to transition traditional print media into dynamic digital formats.

The .PUBLICATION file format was developed to streamline the process of packaging and deploying content-rich publications across multiple devices, catering to the evolving demands of digital readership.

File Structure Technical Specification.

.PUBLICATION files are structured to encapsulate various components essential for digital publications:

  1. Content Elements: Text, images, videos, and other multimedia assets are packaged within the file.
  2. Layout Specifications: Includes information about the arrangement of content elements on different device screen sizes.
  3. Interactive Features: Supports interactive elements such as hyperlinks, embedded multimedia, and navigation controls.
  4. Metadata: Contains descriptive information about the publication, including authorship, publication date, and keywords.
  5. Compatibility: Designed to work seamlessly across iOS and Android platforms, ensuring consistent user experience regardless of device.

How to Convert the File?

Converting ‘.PUBLICATION’ files, which are specific to Twixl Publisher, into other formats or vice versa can be a challenge due to their proprietary nature.

There are approaches you can take depending on your needs:

1. Exporting Content:

  • From Twixl Publisher: Use Twixl Publisher’s export functionalities to generate content in formats like PDF or HTML5, which are more widely compatible.
  • To Twixl Publisher: Import content created in other formats into Twixl Publisher for further customization and deployment as ‘.PUBLICATION’ files.

2. PDF Conversion:

  • Exporting a ‘.PUBLICATION’ as a PDF is a common method to create a static version of the publication. This approach preserves basic layout and content but may lose interactive elements.
  • Use PDF conversion tools or Twixl Publisher’s export feature to generate a PDF version suitable for wider distribution or printing.

3. HTML5 Export:

  • Exporting as HTML5 allows you to retain some interactivity and multimedia elements. Twixl Publisher supports exporting publications in HTML5 format, which can be viewed in web browsers or embedded into web pages.

4. Content Migration:

  • For migrating content into Twixl Publisher, ensure your existing content is in formats compatible with import into Twixl, such as PDFs or structured digital assets.

Advantages And Disadvantages.


  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: .PUBLICATION files are optimized for both iOS and Android devices, accommodating a broad range of users.
  • Interactive Capabilities: Enables publishers to integrate multimedia and interactive elements, enhancing reader engagement.
  • Offline Access: Publications can be downloaded and accessed offline, catering to users in environments with limited connectivity.
  • Analytics: Provides publishers with insights into reader behavior and engagement through integrated analytics tools.


  • Dependency on Twixl Publisher: Requires Twixl Publisher software to create and manage .PUBLICATION files, limiting flexibility for users who prefer other publishing solutions.
  • File Size: Complex publications with extensive multimedia content may result in larger file sizes, impacting download times and storage requirements.
  • Platform-Specific Features: While designed for cross-platform compatibility, some features may behave differently or require specific configurations across iOS and Android.


Open In Windows

Twixl Publisher Desktop Viewer:

  • Download and install the Twixl Publisher Desktop Viewer from Twixl’s official website.
  • Launch the application.
  • Use the viewer to open and preview ‘.PUBLICATION’ files directly on your Windows desktop.

Open In Linux

Open In MAC

Twixl Publisher Desktop Viewer:

  • Download and install the Twixl Publisher Desktop Viewer from Twixl’s official website for macOS.
  • Open the application.
  • Use the viewer to open and preview ‘.PUBLICATION’ files on your Mac.

Open In Android

Twixl Reader App:

  • Install the Twixl Reader app from the Google Play Store on your Android device.
  • Open the app.
  • Import ‘.PUBLICATION’ files stored locally on your device or accessed from cloud storage services within the app.
  • Navigate through the publication using touch controls and interact with multimedia elements.

Open In IOS

Twixl Viewer App:

  • Download and install the Twixl Viewer app from the App Store on your iOS device.
  • Launch the app.
  • Import ‘.PUBLICATION’ files stored locally on your device or accessed from cloud storage services within the app.
  • Navigate through the publication using touch gestures and interact with embedded multimedia elements.

Open in Others

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