.PUP File Extension

.PUP File Extension

PlayStation 3 Update File

Developer Sony

Average rating 4.2 / 5. Vote count: 285

Category Compressed Files
Format .PUP
Cross Platform Update Soon

What is an PUP file?

A .PUP file is a type of archive file commonly associated with firmware updates for electronic devices, especially gaming consoles like PlayStation.

More Information.

.PUP files were designed to deliver system software updates to PlayStation consoles. These updates typically include new features, security patches, and performance enhancements.

Origin Of This File.

.PUP files were first introduced by Sony for updating firmware on PlayStation consoles, starting with the PlayStation 3.

File Structure Technical Specification.

.PUP files are structured as archives, containing the firmware update data and metadata necessary for the update process. They can include encrypted sections for security purposes.

How to Convert the File?


  1. Use official tools provided by Sony or the device manufacturer for updating PlayStation consoles.
  2. Some third-party tools like PS3 Tools may also support .PUP file handling on Windows.


  1. Utilize tools like PS3 Tools or Wine (Windows compatibility layer) to run Windows-based .PUP file management tools.
  2. Custom scripts or utilities designed for handling PlayStation firmware updates might also be available.


  1. Similar to Linux, use tools such as PS3 Tools or Wine to run Windows-based .PUP file management utilities.
  2. Look for macOS-compatible alternatives or virtualization solutions to handle .PUP files.


  1. .PUP files are not compatible with Android devices by default.
  2. Consider extracting relevant files or data from .PUP files using a computer and transferring them to Android-compatible formats if needed.


  1. .PUP files are not compatible with iOS devices by default.
  2. iOS does not support .PUP file conversion or handling due to its closed ecosystem.

Others (General):

  1. .PUP files are primarily designed for PlayStation consoles.
  2. Conversion or handling on other platforms would require specialized knowledge or custom development tools specific to the target platform.

Advantages And Disadvantages.


  • Efficient for distributing firmware updates.
  • Can include security measures to prevent tampering.


  • Specific to certain devices (primarily PlayStation consoles).
  • Not easily editable by end-users.

How to Open PUP?

Open In Windows

.PUP files are typically opened using software provided by the device manufacturer (e.g., Sony’s official update tools for PlayStation).

Open In Linux

Linux users may use tools like PS3 Tools or other custom utilities designed for handling .PUP files. Alternatively, Wine can sometimes run Windows-based tools.

Open In MAC

On macOS, similar to Linux, using PS3 Tools or virtualization software like Wine may allow .PUP files to be managed.

Open In Android

.PUP files are not designed for Android devices and typically cannot be opened or used on them.

Open In IOS

.PUP files are not designed for iOS devices and typically cannot be opened or used on them.

Open in Others

.PUP files are primarily intended for PlayStation consoles and are not commonly supported on other devices or operating systems.

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