.PWB File Extension

.PWB File Extension

Promethean Whiteboard Activity

Developer Promethean

Average rating 3.5 / 5. Vote count: 2

Category Page Layout Files
Format .PWB
Cross Platform Update Soon

What is an PWB file?

The ‘.PWB’ file extension is primarily associated with Promethean Whiteboard Activity files, used in educational settings with interactive whiteboards.

These files contain multimedia content and interactive elements designed to enhance classroom engagement and facilitate dynamic learning experiences.

More Information.

The development of Promethean’s interactive whiteboards revolutionized classroom teaching by transforming traditional lectures into interactive sessions.

The ‘.PWB’ files were introduced to store and share these interactive lessons, enabling teachers to create engaging content that promotes active student participation and collaboration.

Origin Of This File.

Promethean, a leader in educational technology, developed the ‘.PWB’ file format to complement their interactive whiteboard systems.

These systems allow educators to create and deliver interactive lessons that incorporate multimedia elements such as images, videos, sound clips, and interactive quizzes.

File Structure Technical Specification.

‘.PWB’ files are essentially packages that contain XML-based data along with multimedia assets embedded within the lesson. The structure typically includes:

  • XML Metadata: Describes the structure of the lesson, including sequencing of content and interactive elements.
  • Media Assets: Images, videos, audio files used within the lesson.
  • Interactive Components: Quizzes, games, simulations, and other interactive elements designed to engage students.

The technical specifications may vary slightly depending on the version of the Promethean software used to create the file, but they generally adhere to XML standards with embedded multimedia content.

How to Convert the File?

Converting ‘.PWB’ files to other formats for broader accessibility or archiving purposes typically involves exporting the content to commonly used formats like PDF or PowerPoint. Here’s a general approach:

  1. Export to PDF: Use Promethean software to export the ‘.PWB’ file as a PDF, which preserves the content layout and multimedia elements in a widely accessible format.
  2. Convert to PowerPoint: Export the ‘.PWB’ file to Microsoft PowerPoint format, which allows further editing and sharing across different platforms.

Advantages And Disadvantages.


  1. Interactive Learning: Facilitates interactive learning experiences that enhance student engagement and understanding.
  2. Multimedia Integration: Supports integration of various multimedia elements, making lessons more dynamic and visually appealing.
  3. Customization: Allows educators to tailor lessons to suit specific learning objectives and student needs.
  4. Collaboration: Enables sharing of educational resources among teachers, promoting collaboration and resource-sharing within educational communities.


  1. Compatibility Issues: Limited compatibility with non-Promethean software and platforms may hinder sharing and accessibility.
  2. Software Dependency: Requires Promethean software to create, edit, and fully utilize ‘.PWB’ files, which may restrict flexibility.
  3. File Size: Multimedia-rich content within ‘.PWB’ files can result in large file sizes, which may pose challenges for storage and transmission.
  4. Learning Curve: Educators may require training to effectively create and utilize interactive lessons using Promethean software.

How to Open PWB?

Open In Windows

  • Install Promethean’s ActivInspire software, available for download from their official website.

Open In Linux

  • Though less common, Promethean offers limited support for Linux distributions, enabling Linux users to access ‘.PWB’ files with compatible software versions.

Open In MAC

  • ActivInspire is also available for macOS, allowing Mac users to open and interact with ‘.PWB’ files.

Open In Android

Open In IOS

Open in Others

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