.PYT File Extension

.PYT File Extension

Python Toolbox

Developer ESRI

Average rating 3.5 / 5. Vote count: 2

Category GIS Files
Format .PYT
Cross Platform Update Soon

What is an PYT file?

The ‘.PYT’ file extension is primarily used in Python programming environments, specifically within the context of ArcGIS, a geographic information system (GIS) software developed by Esri.

These files are known as Python Toolboxes, which extend the functionality of ArcGIS by enabling users to create custom tools and scripts using Python scripting language.

More Information.

The concept of Python Toolboxes emerged as a response to the growing demand for customizable GIS solutions.

Before their introduction, users often relied on ArcPy, a Python site package integrated with ArcGIS, to script geoprocessing tasks.

Python Toolboxes formalized this process by packaging Python scripts, parameters, and other resources into a single, shareable ‘.PYT’ file. This modular approach streamlined the development and deployment of custom GIS tools within ArcGIS environments.

Origin Of This File.

Python Toolboxes (.PYT files) were introduced to ArcGIS with the aim of allowing GIS professionals and developers to automate workflows and perform complex geospatial analyses efficiently.

This capability significantly enhances ArcGIS’s usability by integrating custom Python scripts directly into the software’s interface, making it easier to access and execute specialized geoprocessing tasks.

File Structure Technical Specification.

A ‘.PYT’ file is essentially a ZIP archive containing Python scripts, XML metadata, and other resources required for the toolbox to function within ArcGIS. The structure typically includes:

  • Python Scripts: Actual Python code defining the functionality of the tools.
  • XML Metadata: Describes the toolbox and its tools, including parameters and descriptions.
  • Supporting Files: Additional resources such as icons, help documentation, and data files.

The XML structure adheres to ArcGIS’s toolbox schema, ensuring compatibility and proper integration with the software’s interface and geoprocessing framework.

How to Convert the File?

Converting .PYT files typically involves packaging them into a format compatible with other GIS platforms or integrating them into different ArcGIS environments. For example:

  • Exporting as a Python Script: Convert individual tools within the .PYT into standalone Python scripts for broader applicability.
  • Packaging as an ArcGIS Add-In: Incorporate .PYT files into ArcGIS add-ins for deployment across different versions or installations.
  • Migration Tools: Esri provides tools and documentation to assist in migrating .PYT files between ArcGIS versions or to newer Python Toolbox formats.

Advantages And Disadvantages.


  • Customization: Enables users to create tailored GIS tools to suit specific project requirements.
  • Integration: Seamlessly integrates with ArcGIS, leveraging its powerful geoprocessing capabilities.
  • Sharing: Facilitates sharing of tools and workflows across teams and organizations.
  • Automation: Automates repetitive tasks, enhancing productivity and consistency in GIS operations.


  • Learning Curve: Requires proficiency in Python programming and understanding of ArcGIS tool development.
  • Dependency: Tools may be dependent on specific versions of ArcGIS and ArcPy, limiting compatibility across different software environments.
  • Maintenance: Regular updates and maintenance are necessary to ensure compatibility with newer versions of ArcGIS and Python.

How to Open PYT?

Open In Windows

ArcGIS for Desktop:

  • Open ArcMap or ArcCatalog.
  • Navigate to the Toolbox window.
  • Right-click and select “Add Toolbox…”
  • Browse to the location of your .PYT file and click “Add”.

ArcGIS Pro:

  • Open ArcGIS Pro.
  • Go to the Catalog pane.
  • Right-click on Toolboxes and select “Add Toolbox”.
  • Locate and add your .PYT file.

Open In Linux


  • Install Wine on your Linux distribution.
  • Run ArcGIS for Desktop or ArcGIS Pro using Wine.
  • Follow the steps for Windows to open .PYT files.

Virtual Machine:

  • Install a virtual machine (e.g., VirtualBox, VMware) running Windows.
  • Install ArcGIS for Desktop or ArcGIS Pro inside the virtual machine.
  • Open .PYT files within the virtual Windows environment.

Open In MAC

ArcGIS for Desktop (through Boot Camp or Virtual Machine):

  • Install Windows via Boot Camp or run a virtual machine (e.g., Parallels Desktop, VMware Fusion).
  • Install ArcGIS for Desktop or ArcGIS Pro in the Windows environment.
  • Follow the Windows steps to open .PYT files.

ArcGIS Pro (native macOS support):

  • Esri provides ArcGIS Pro for macOS, which can directly open .PYT files.
  • Install ArcGIS Pro for macOS and open .PYT files as you would on Windows.

Open In Android

Open In IOS

Open in Others

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