.QC File Extension

.QC File Extension

QuakeC Source Code File

Developer id Software

Average rating 3.9 / 5. Vote count: 7

Category Game Files
Format .QC
Cross Platform Update Soon

What is an QC file?

The .QC file extension is primarily associated with QuakeC, a scripting language used for programming game logic in the Quake series of video games. These files contain source code written in QuakeC, which is compiled into bytecode that runs within the Quake game engine.

More Information.

QuakeC was initially introduced to provide a flexible and accessible means for developers to customize game behavior and create new gameplay features within the Quake engine. It enabled modding and community contributions, fostering a vibrant ecosystem of user-generated content.

Origin Of This File.

QuakeC was developed by id Software for use with their game engines starting with the original Quake released in 1996. It allows developers to modify and extend gameplay behavior without altering the core engine code.

File Structure Technical Specification.

  • Syntax: QuakeC syntax resembles C programming language with its own set of functions and conventions tailored for game development.
  • Compilation: .QC files are compiled using the qcc (QuakeC Compiler) into .QCs files, which are bytecode files executable by the Quake engine.
  • Content: They typically contain function definitions, variable declarations, and logic that define how entities, weapons, and other game elements behave.

How to Convert the File?


  1. Software Needed:
    • Text editor (e.g., Notepad++, Visual Studio Code) for editing .QC files.
    • QuakeC Compiler (qcc), which is typically included in the Quake engine SDK.
  2. Steps:
    • Open Command Prompt or PowerShell.
    • Navigate to the directory containing your .QC file using the cd command.
    • Use qcc to compile the .QC file.
      Replace yourfile.qc with the name of your .QC file and output.qc with the desired name for the compiled .QCs file.


  1. Software Needed:
    • Text editor (e.g., Vim, Emacs, gedit) for editing .QC files.
    • QuakeC Compiler (qcc), which can be installed via package managers like apt (e.g., sudo apt install quakec) or obtained from the Quake engine SDK.
  2. Steps:
    • Open a terminal.
    • Navigate to the directory containing your .QC file using cd.
    • Use qcc to compile the .QC file.
      Replace yourfile.qc with your .QC file’s name and output.qc with the desired name for the compiled .QCs file.


  1. Software Needed:
    • Text editor (e.g., TextEdit, BBEdit, or Xcode for more advanced features).
    • QuakeC Compiler (qcc), which can be installed similarly to Linux via package managers or obtained from the Quake engine SDK.
  2. Steps:
    • Open Terminal.
    • Navigate to the directory containing your .QC file using cd.
    • Use qcc to compile the .QC file.
      Replace yourfile.qc with your .QC file’s name and output.qc with the desired name for the compiled .QCs file.

Android and iOS

Converting .QC files on Android and iOS directly isn’t straightforward due to platform constraints and the specialized nature of QuakeC. However, theoretically, if developing within a compatible development environment on these platforms (such as via emulation or specialized IDEs), you would need:

  • A text editor app for editing .QC files.
  • Access to a QuakeC Compiler (qcc) adapted for the platform, if available.
  • Integration with the Quake engine SDK or a compatible development environment that supports QuakeC compilation.

Other Platforms

For other platforms not specifically covered (such as Unix variants, embedded systems, etc.), the process generally involves:

  1. Software Needed:
    • A text editor capable of editing plain text files.
    • QuakeC Compiler (qcc), which would need to be obtained or adapted for the specific platform.
  2. Steps:
    • Use a terminal or command line interface appropriate for the platform.
    • Navigate to the directory containing your .QC file.
    • Compile the .QC file using the appropriate qcc command syntax for that platform.

Advantages And Disadvantages.


  • Enables extensive customization and modding of Quake-based games.
  • Relatively simple syntax based on C, making it accessible to developers.
  • Integrated into the Quake development environment.


  • Limited in functionality compared to modern scripting languages.
  • Requires compilation and integration with the game engine for testing.
  • Not widely applicable outside of Quake engine-based games.

How to Open QC?

Open In Windows

  • Software: Use a text editor (e.g., Notepad++, Visual Studio Code) to open and edit .QC files.
  • Compilation: Use qcc compiler in a Command Prompt or IDE configured for QuakeC development.

Open In Linux

  • Software: Use text editors like Vim, Emacs, or graphical editors like gedit.
  • Compilation: Run qcc from the terminal to compile .QC files into bytecode.

Open In MAC

  • Software: Text editors such as TextEdit, BBEdit, or Xcode (for more advanced features).
  • Compilation: Similar to Linux, use the terminal to run qcc for compiling .QC files.

Open In Android

  • Software: Requires a text editor app from the respective app store.
  • Compilation: Not directly applicable unless developing for QuakeC on mobile platforms, which would involve adapting the compilation toolchain.

Open In IOS

  • Software: Requires a text editor app from the respective app store.
  • Compilation: Not directly applicable unless developing for QuakeC on mobile platforms, which would involve adapting the compilation toolchain.

Open in Others

  • Software: Any text editor capable of handling plain text files.
  • Compilation: Requires access to a system capable of running the qcc compiler, typically a desktop environment.

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