.RFQ File Extension

.RFQ File Extension

RoboForm SearchCard File

Developer Siber Systems

Average rating 2.5 / 5. Vote count: 4

Category Settings Files
Format .RFQ
Cross Platform Update Soon

What is an RFQ file?

The .RFQ file extension is associated with RoboForm, a widely used password management software developed by Siber Systems.

RoboForm offers users a convenient way to store and manage their passwords securely across multiple devices.

The .RFQ files, specifically known as RoboForm SearchCard files, serve as containers for saved search queries within RoboForm.

More Information.

The history of RoboForm dates back to the early 2000s when Siber Systems introduced the software as a password management solution.

RoboForm expanded its feature set to encompass various tools for secure form filling, password generation, and data synchronization across devices.

The introduction of search functionality facilitated quicker access to stored information, leading to the creation of .RFQ files for storing search queries.

Origin Of This File.

The genesis of the .RFQ file extension can be traced back to the development of RoboForm itself. As the software evolved to cater to the increasing needs of user.

The inclusion of search functionality became essential. The .RFQ extension emerged as a solution to store and retrieve saved search queries efficiently.

File Structure Technical Specification.

The structure of .RFQ files is designed to encapsulate search parameters and criteria defined by users within RoboForm.

These files are typically encoded in a proprietary format optimized for efficient storage and retrieval within the RoboForm environment.

While specific technical details regarding the internal structure of .RFQ files are proprietary to Siber Systems, they are engineered to maintain compatibility and interoperability with RoboForm’s search functionality.

How to Convert the File?

Converting .RFQ files may be necessary to achieve compatibility with alternative software solutions or to migrate data to different platforms.

Since .RFQ files are proprietary to RoboForm, direct conversion options are limited. There are alternative methods you can employ to achieve conversion:

1. Export as CSV or XML:

  • RoboForm allows users to export their data, including search queries, in formats such as CSV (Comma-Separated Values) or XML (Extensible Markup Language).
  • To export data from RoboForm, open the software and navigate to the export options.
  • Choose the desired format (CSV or XML) and select the data you wish to export, including search queries.
  • Save the exported file to your computer.

2. Manual Recreation:

  • If you cannot export .RFQ files directly, you may need to manually recreate the search queries in the desired format using the target software.
  • Open the software where you intend to use the search queries and create new queries based on the criteria saved in the .RFQ files.
  • Input the search parameters manually and save them within the software.

3. Use RoboForm:

  • If you only need to access the .RFQ files within RoboForm, simply open the software and navigate to the search section.
  • Open the .RFQ file within RoboForm to access the saved search query.

4. Scripting or Automation:

  • For advanced users, scripting or automation tools can be employed to extract data from .RFQ files and convert them into a different format.
  • Write scripts or use automation software to parse the contents of .RFQ files and convert them into a format compatible with your target software.

5. Third-Party Conversion Tools:

  • While direct conversion tools for .RFQ files may be limited, you can explore third-party software solutions that offer data conversion services.
  • Look for software or online services that specialize in converting data between different formats and check if they support .RFQ file conversion.

6. Contact Support:

  • If you require assistance with converting .RFQ files, consider reaching out to RoboForm’s customer support for guidance.
  • They may be able to provide additional options or suggestions for converting .RFQ files based on your specific needs.

Advantages And Disadvantages.


  1. Enhanced Search Capabilities: .RFQ files enable users to save and reuse complex search queries, enhancing the efficiency of information retrieval within RoboForm.
  2. Organization: By storing search queries in .RFQ files, users can better organize their data and streamline the password management process.
  3. Time-saving: Saved search queries eliminate the need to repeatedly input search parameters, saving time and effort for users.


  1. Proprietary Format: .RFQ files are encoded in a proprietary format specific to RoboForm, limiting interoperability with other software.
  2. Dependency on RoboForm: Since .RFQ files are tied to RoboForm’s search functionality, their utility is contingent upon the continued use of the software.

How to Open RFQ?

Open In Windows

  1. Install RoboForm on your Windows system if not already installed.
  2. Launch RoboForm and navigate to the search section.
  3. Open the .RFQ file within RoboForm to access the saved search query.

Open In Linux

  1. Install Wine or a similar compatibility layer for running Windows applications on Linux.
  2. Install RoboForm using Wine and follow the steps outlined for Windows to open the .RFQ file.

Open In MAC

  1. Install RoboForm for macOS if not already installed.
  2. Launch RoboForm and follow the same steps outlined for Windows to open the .RFQ file.

Open In Android

  1. Install the RoboForm app from the Google Play Store on your Android device.
  2. Open the RoboForm app and navigate to the search section to access the .RFQ file.

Open In IOS

  1. Install the RoboForm app from the App Store on your iOS device.
  2. Launch the RoboForm app and follow the same steps outlined for Android to open the .RFQ file.

Open in Others

  1. Due to the proprietary nature of .RFQ files and their association with RoboForm, compatibility with other software solutions may be limited.
  2. Consider exporting data from RoboForm in alternative formats supported by other password management software if interoperability is required.

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