.RGN File Extension

.RGN File Extension

Garmin Regional Map File

Developer Garmin

Average rating 3.2 / 5. Vote count: 11

Category GIS Files
Format .RGN
Cross Platform Update Soon

What is an RGN file?

The ‘.RGN’ file extension is primarily associated with Garmin, a renowned manufacturer of GPS devices and mapping software.

These files are categorized as Garmin Regional Map Files and are integral to the functionality of Garmin’s GPS devices.

‘.RGN’ files contain essential geographical data that allows Garmin devices to display detailed regional maps, aiding navigation and location-based services.

More Information.

The development of ‘.RGN’ files aligns with Garmin’s commitment to enhancing navigation experiences through innovative map technologies.

Initially introduced alongside Garmin’s early GPS units, these files were designed to overcome limitations in displaying detailed maps directly on devices with limited storage capacity.

By storing regional maps in ‘.RGN’ format, Garmin devices could efficiently access and render geographical data without relying solely on online connectivity.

Origin Of This File.

Garmin introduced the ‘.RGN’ file format to facilitate the storage and utilization of regional map data on their GPS devices.

These files enable users to navigate through specific regions with detailed maps that include roads, landmarks, points of interest, and other geographical information crucial for accurate positioning and navigation.

File Structure Technical Specification.

‘.RGN’ files are structured to store map data in a format optimized for Garmin GPS devices. They typically include vector graphics representations of geographic features such as roads, rivers, boundaries, and topographic details.

The technical specifications may vary slightly depending on the Garmin device model and software version, but generally, ‘.RGN’ files utilize vector-based graphics to ensure clarity and scalability across different screen sizes and resolutions.

How to Convert the File?

Converting ‘.RGN’ files may be necessary to make them compatible with other formats or software. Here’s how to convert them:

  1. Garmin MapSource/BaseCamp: Use Garmin’s official software tools like MapSource or BaseCamp to export or convert ‘.RGN’ files into other Garmin-supported formats.
  2. Third-Party Tools: Some third-party applications may support conversion of ‘.RGN’ files into more widely used formats like GPX (GPS Exchange Format) or KML (Keyhole Markup Language) for broader compatibility.

Advantages And Disadvantages.


  1. Offline Navigation: ‘.RGN’ files allow users to navigate offline, without requiring continuous internet access.
  2. Customized Maps: Users can create and customize regional maps tailored to specific needs or preferences.
  3. Fast Rendering: Garmin devices can quickly render ‘.RGN’ files due to their optimized structure and format.


  1. Limited Coverage: ‘.RGN’ files are specific to Garmin devices and may not be compatible with other GPS systems.
  2. File Size: Large regional maps stored in ‘.RGN’ format can consume significant storage space on devices.
  3. Compatibility Issues: Older Garmin devices or software versions may have limited support for newer ‘.RGN’ file features.

How to Open RGN?

Open In Windows

  • Garmin MapSource: Garmin’s MapSource software is designed for Windows and allows you to view, manage, and transfer Garmin maps including ‘.RGN’ files.
  • Garmin BaseCamp: Another Garmin application compatible with Windows, BaseCamp lets you view and manage maps, waypoints, routes, and tracks stored in ‘.RGN’ format.

Open In Linux

  • Install Wine: Install Wine on your Linux distribution.
  • Run Garmin Software: Use Wine to run Garmin MapSource or BaseCamp, as these applications can handle ‘.RGN’ files on Windows.

Open In MAC

  • Download BaseCamp: Install Garmin BaseCamp, available for MacOS, from the Garmin website.
  • Open ‘.RGN’ Files: Launch BaseCamp to view and manage your Garmin maps, including ‘.RGN’ files.

Open In Android

  • Garmin Explore: Garmin Explore is available for Android and can handle ‘.RGN’ files for outdoor navigation.
  • Transfer and Use: Transfer ‘.RGN’ files to your Android device using Garmin’s official tools or cloud services, then open them in Garmin Explore.

Open In IOS

  • Garmin Explore: Available on the App Store, Garmin Explore for iOS lets you view and navigate with ‘.RGN’ maps.
  • Transfer and Use: Transfer ‘.RGN’ files to your iOS device through Garmin’s official tools or cloud services, then open them in Garmin Explore.

Open in Others

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