.RODL File Extension

.RODL File Extension

RemObjects Definition Language File

Developer RemObjects

Average rating 3 / 5. Vote count: 3

Category Developer Files
Format .RODL
Cross Platform Update Soon

What is an RODL file?

.RODL files serve as blueprints for defining remote data services within applications. They store information such as data tables, relationships, business logic, and service endpoints.

More Information.

RemObjects Data Abstract was initially developed to simplify the process of creating data-driven applications across different platforms and programming languages. The .RODL file extension was introduced as a means to encapsulate the necessary metadata for defining remote data services.

Origin Of This File.

The .RODL file extension is specific to applications developed using RemObjects Data Abstract.

File Structure Technical Specification.

.RODL files are typically XML-based and follow a specific schema defined by RemObjects. They contain elements that describe data tables, fields, relationships, service endpoints, and other relevant information for remote data access.

How to Convert the File?


  1. Open the .RODL file using a text editor like Notepad or Visual Studio Code.
  2. Save the file in the desired format, such as XML or plain text, using the “Save As” option in the text editor.


  1. Use a text editor like Vim or Nano to open the .RODL file in the terminal.
  2. Modify the file as needed.
  3. Save the file using the appropriate command in the text editor.


  1. Open the .RODL file with a text editor like TextEdit or Sublime Text.
  2. Make any necessary changes to the file.
  3. Save the file in the desired format using the “Save As” option in the text editor.


  1. Install a text editor app from the Google Play Store, such as QuickEdit or Jota Text Editor.
  2. Open the .RODL file using the text editor app.
  3. Edit the file as required.
  4. Save the file in the desired format through the app’s options.


  1. Download a text editor app from the App Store, such as Textastic or iA Writer.
  2. Open the .RODL file using the text editor app.
  3. Edit the file content.
  4. Save the file in the desired format using the app’s functionalities.

Other Platforms:

  1. Use any text editor software that supports XML or plain text file formats.
  2. Open the .RODL file with the text editor.
  3. Edit the file content as necessary.
  4. Save the file in the desired format provided by the text editor.

Advantages And Disadvantages.


  1. Simplifies the development of data-driven applications by providing a centralized way to define data services.
  2. Promotes code reuse and consistency across different platforms and programming languages.
  3. Enables easy integration with various database systems and middleware.


  1. Dependency on RemObjects Data Abstract framework, which may limit interoperability with other systems.
  2. Learning curve associated with understanding the structure and usage of .RODL files.
  3. Maintenance overhead in managing and updating .RODL files as application requirements evolve.

How to Open RODL?

Open In Windows

.RODL files can be opened in Windows using a text editor or an XML editor.

Open In Linux

.RODL files can be opened in Linux using a text editor or an XML editor compatible with the Linux operating system.

Open In MAC

.RODL files can be opened in macOS using a text editor or an XML editor.

Open In Android

.RODL files can be opened on Android devices using text editor apps available on the Google Play Store.

Open In IOS

.RODL files can be opened on iOS devices using text editor apps available on the App Store.

Open in Others

.RODL files can be opened on other platforms using text editor software that supports XML file formats.

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