.RSC File Extension

.RSC File Extension

Symbian Application Compiled Resource File

Developer Nokia

Average rating 3.6 / 5. Vote count: 11

Category Data Files
Format .RSC
Cross Platform Update Soon

What is an RSC file?

The .RSC file extension is associated with Symbian OS, a mobile operating system designed for smartphones and other mobile devices. These files are specifically known as Symbian Application Compiled Resource files and play a crucial role in the development and functioning of Symbian applications.

More Information.

.RSC files were introduced as part of the Symbian OS development framework to manage and organize resources required by Symbian applications. These resources include user interface elements, graphics, text strings, and other data essential for the proper functioning and appearance of the application.

Origin Of This File.

The origin of .RSC files can be traced back to the development of Symbian OS, which was initially created as a joint venture by Psion, Nokia, Ericsson, and Motorola. The goal was to establish a standardized operating system for mobile devices, leading to the birth of Symbian OS.

File Structure Technical Specification.

.RSC files have a specific structure designed to efficiently store and organize resources. They may include binary data, graphical elements, and textual information. The technical specifications of .RSC files are closely tied to the Symbian development environment, including the tools and compilers used in the creation of Symbian applications.

How to Convert the File?

1. Windows:

  • Symbian OS development tools are primarily designed for Windows environments. To convert .RSC files on Windows:
    • Use the Symbian SDK (Software Development Kit) with associated tools.
    • Utilize the Symbian resource compiler to recompile resources in a format compatible with the desired output.

2. Linux:

  • Although Linux lacks native support for .RSC files, developers can employ cross-compilation tools within a Linux environment:
    • Set up a cross-compilation environment for Symbian OS on Linux.
    • Use the Symbian SDK or related tools to compile and convert .RSC files for the intended platform.

3. Mac:

  • Similar to Linux, Mac doesn’t have built-in support for .RSC files. To convert on a Mac:
    • Set up a virtual machine running Windows or Linux using tools like VirtualBox or VMware.
    • Install the Symbian SDK within the virtual environment and proceed with the conversion.

4. Android:

  • Direct conversion of .RSC files to Android resources is not possible due to the platform differences. Developers must recreate resources:
    • Extract the relevant data (images, strings, etc.) from .RSC files on a Windows machine using Symbian tools.
    • Adapt and convert these resources to Android-compatible formats (XML for layouts, PNG for images).
    • Integrate the converted resources into the Android project.

5. iOS:

  • iOS development does not directly support .RSC files. To convert for iOS:
    • Extract the necessary data from .RSC files using Symbian tools on a Windows machine.
    • Convert graphics and strings to iOS-compatible formats (PNG for images, strings files for text).
    • Incorporate the converted resources into the Xcode project for iOS development.

Advantages And Disadvantages.


  • Efficient resource management: .RSC files enable developers to manage and access application resources efficiently, enhancing the overall performance.
  • Standardization: The use of .RSC files contributes to the standardization of resource handling across different Symbian applications.


  • Platform dependency: .RSC files are specifically designed for Symbian OS, limiting their usability to Symbian-based devices.
  • Learning curve: Developers unfamiliar with Symbian OS may face a learning curve when working with .RSC files and the associated development environment.

How to Open RSC?

Open In Windows

Windows does not natively support .RSC files. Developers typically work with Symbian development environments on Windows systems to handle these files.

Open In Linux

Linux may not have native support for .RSC files. Developers may need to use cross-compilation tools or emulators within a Linux environment to work with Symbian applications.

Open In MAC

Similar to Linux, Mac does not have native support for .RSC files. Developers may rely on cross-compilation tools or virtual machines running the Symbian environment.

Open In Android

.RSC files are inherently designed for Symbian OS, and direct opening or conversion for other platforms may not be feasible. Developers typically recreate resources in the format suitable for the target platform.

Open In IOS

.RSC files are inherently designed for Symbian OS, and direct opening or conversion for other platforms may not be feasible. Developers typically recreate resources in the format suitable for the target platform.

Open in Others

.RSC files are inherently designed for Symbian OS, and direct opening or conversion for other platforms may not be feasible. Developers typically recreate resources in the format suitable for the target platform.

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