.RSR File Extension

.RSR File Extension

Poser Model Preview File

Developer Smith Micro

Average rating 3.5 / 5. Vote count: 8

Category Raster Image Files
Format .RSR
Cross Platform Update Soon

What is an RSR file?

The .RSR file extension is associated with Poser, a 3D computer graphics program optimized for 3D modeling of human figures.

These files serve as preview files for models, materials, and other elements within Poser, providing users with thumbnail images and additional metadata to streamline the workflow.

Understanding the origin, structure, and utility of .RSR files are crucial for users working with Poser to manage and organize their assets effectively.

More Information.

Initially, .RSR files were integral to the early versions of Poser, where the graphical user interfaces (GUIs) were limited in terms of real-time rendering capabilities.

The main purpose of .RSR files were to provide a lightweight and efficient means of displaying previews of 3D models and textures without loading the entire 3D data.

This was particularly important given the hardware limitations of the 1990s, where memory and processing power were at a premium.

Origin Of This File.

The .RSR file extension was developed alongside Poser, a program created by Metacreations in 1995.

Poser was designed to simplify the process of creating and animating 3D human and animal figures, and the .RSR file format was introduced to help users quickly preview and access these figures.

Over the years, as Poser evolved, the .RSR format remained a key component, although newer formats have been introduced to complement it.

File Structure Technical Specification.

The .RSR file is a binary file that primarily contains two components:

  1. Thumbnail Image: A small bitmap image used to represent the 3D model or material.
  2. Metadata: Information about the associated 3D model or material, such as its name, dimensions, and other properties.

The thumbnail image is typically stored in a format that Poser can quickly read and display, such as a simple bitmap or a low-resolution JPEG.

The metadata section of the .RSR file includes various descriptors that help Poser identify and manage the corresponding 3D asset.

Technical Specification

  • File Extension: .RSR
  • MIME Type: application/octet-stream
  • File Signature: The file may have a specific signature or header that Poser uses to recognize it as an .RSR file.
  • Size: Typically small, as the main content is a low-resolution thumbnail and metadata.

The .RSR file format is designed for quick access and minimal resource usage, ensuring that Poser can display previews rapidly even on less powerful machines.

How to Convert the File?

Converting .RSR files to more modern and widely supported formats can be beneficial, especially for compatibility with other software or for archiving purposes. Here are the steps to convert .RSR files:

  1. Using Poser: The easiest way to convert .RSR files are to use Poser itself. Open the .RSR file in Poser and save the associated model or material with a newer preview format such as .PNG.
  2. Third-Party Tools: Some third-party tools and scripts can automate the conversion of .RSR files to .PNG or other image formats. These tools read the .RSR file, extract the thumbnail image, and save it in a different format.
  3. Manual Extraction: For users with programming skills, it is possible to manually extract the thumbnail image from the binary .RSR file using a hex editor or a custom script, and then save it in the desired format.

Advantages And Disadvantages.


  1. Speed and Efficiency: .RSR files allow for fast previewing of 3D models and materials, enhancing the workflow in Poser by reducing the time needed to locate and identify assets.
  2. Low Resource Usage: The small size of .RSR files ensures minimal impact on system resources, making them suitable for use even on older hardware.
  3. Ease of Management: By providing visual thumbnails, .RSR files make it easier for users to manage and organize their 3D assets within Poser.


  1. Compatibility Issues: The .RSR file format is specific to Poser and may not be supported by other 3D modeling or graphics software, limiting its versatility.
  2. Redundancy with Newer Formats: With the introduction of newer preview file formats (such as .PNG thumbnails), .RSR files may be considered redundant or outdated in modern workflows.
  3. Limited Information: While useful for quick previews, .RSR files contain limited information compared to other file formats that may offer more detailed metadata and higher-quality previews.

How to Open RSR?

Open In Windows

  • Poser: The primary software for opening and utilizing .RSR files on Windows is Poser. Ensure that Poser is installed and updated to the latest version.
  • Alternative Software: Some 3D graphics and modeling tools that support Poser content may also be able to read .RSR files, though this is less common.

Open In Linux

  • Wine: Users can run Poser on Linux using Wine, a compatibility layer that allows Windows applications to run on Unix-like operating systems. This enables opening and managing .RSR files.
  • Conversion: Linux users can use scripts or tools to convert .RSR files to more accessible formats if Poser or Wine is not an option.

Open In MAC

  • Poser: Similar to Windows, Poser is the main application for handling .RSR files on macOS.
  • Conversion Tools: Use conversion tools or scripts to change .RSR files to a more macOS-friendly format, like .PNG, if direct access is needed outside of Poser.

Open In Android

Open In IOS

Open in Others

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