.SAF File Extension

.SAF File Extension

Street Atlas USA Map File

Developer DeLorme

Average rating 3.9 / 5. Vote count: 40

Category GIS Files
Format .SAF
Cross Platform Update Soon

What is an SAF file?

.SAF (Street Atlas USA Map) files are proprietary map files associated with the Street Atlas USA software. These files contain geographical information, including maps, routes, waypoints, and other location-based data. Street Atlas USA is a mapping and navigation software developed by DeLorme, which is now a part of Garmin.

More Information.

Street Atlas USA software was introduced to provide users with comprehensive mapping and navigation capabilities. The .SAF files were designed to store map data, waypoints, routes, and other relevant information, enabling users to plan and navigate their journeys effectively.

Origin Of This File.

The .SAF file extension is closely tied to the Street Atlas USA software, which was initially developed by DeLorme. DeLorme was a mapping and GPS technology company founded in 1976. Garmin acquired DeLorme in 2016, incorporating its mapping technologies into the Garmin product lineup.

File Structure Technical Specification.

The .SAF file structure is proprietary and specific to the Street Atlas USA software. It typically includes layers of information such as vector maps, waypoints, and route details. The technical specifications for .SAF files are not publicly disclosed, as they are part of the proprietary nature of the Street Atlas USA software.

How to Convert the File?


  1. Install Street Atlas USA:
    • Ensure that Street Atlas USA is installed on your Windows system.
    • Open the software.
  2. Open .SAF File:
    • Double-click the .SAF file or use the “Open” option within Street Atlas USA to load the file.
  3. Export/Save As:
    • Look for an option in Street Atlas USA to export or save the file in a different format (if available). Common formats may include GPX or KML.
  4. Use Third-Party Software:
    • Explore third-party software that supports .SAF conversion, if available. Ensure the software is reputable and compatible with your version of Street Atlas USA.


  • Street Atlas USA is primarily designed for Windows, and native Linux support may be limited. Consider the following options:
  1. Wine:
    • Install Wine, a compatibility layer for running Windows applications on Linux.
    • Install Street Atlas USA through Wine and attempt to open and convert the .SAF file.
  2. Virtualization:
    • Use virtualization software like VirtualBox to run a Windows environment on Linux.
    • Install Street Atlas USA within the virtualized Windows environment to handle the conversion.


  • Similar to Linux, Street Atlas USA is not native to macOS. Options include:
  1. Wine or CrossOver:
    • Use Wine or CrossOver (a commercial version of Wine) on macOS to run Street Atlas USA and attempt the conversion.
  2. Virtualization:
    • Utilize virtualization software like Parallels or VirtualBox to run a Windows environment on your Mac. Install Street Atlas USA within this virtual environment to handle the conversion.


  • Street Atlas USA may not have a native Android app. Consider the following alternatives:
  1. GPSBabel:
    • If you have exported data from Street Atlas USA in a supported format like GPX, use apps like GPSBabel on Android to convert it further if needed.
  2. Third-Party Apps:
    • Explore third-party mapping or navigation apps on Android that might support .SAF file conversion.


  • As of my last update in January 2022, Street Atlas USA might not have a native iOS app. Consider these options:
  1. GPSBabel or Similar Apps:
    • If the file has been exported in a standard format like GPX, use iOS apps like GPSBabel or others that support conversion.
  2. Third-Party Apps:
    • Search for third-party mapping or navigation apps on iOS that may have support for .SAF file conversion.

Advantages And Disadvantages.


  • Rich mapping data: .SAF files store detailed map information, providing users with a comprehensive view of geographical locations.
  • Integration with Street Atlas USA: Seamless compatibility with the Street Atlas USA software for efficient navigation and route planning.


  • Proprietary format: .SAF files are not widely supported by other mapping or navigation software, limiting their interoperability.
  • Dependency on specific software: Users are tied to the Street Atlas USA software for working with .SAF files, which may not be as widely used as other mapping tools.

How to Open SAF?

Open In Windows

  • Install Street Atlas USA on a Windows system.
  • Double-click the .SAF file to open it in the software.

Open In Linux

Linux users may face challenges as Street Atlas USA is primarily designed for Windows. Consider using compatibility layers like Wine or explore alternative mapping software with Linux support.

Open In MAC

While Street Atlas USA is not natively compatible with macOS, users can try using Wine or virtualization software to run the application on a Mac. Alternatively, explore macOS-compatible mapping software.

Open In Android

Street Atlas USA may not have native apps for Android or iOS. Users can explore other mapping apps compatible with these platforms.

Open In IOS

Street Atlas USA may not have native apps for Android or iOS. Users can explore other mapping apps compatible with these platforms.

Open in Others

Given the proprietary nature of .SAF files, opening them in other software may not be straightforward. Users may need to rely on the Street Atlas USA software for optimal access.

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