.SB2 File Extension

.SB2 File Extension

Scratch 2.0 Project File

Developer MIT

Average rating 4.3 / 5. Vote count: 1174

Category Developer Files
Format .SB2
Cross Platform Update Soon

What is an SB2 file?

The .SB2 file extension is primarily associated with Scratch, a block-based visual programming language designed for educational purposes. These files contain project data created using Scratch 2.0, an earlier version of the Scratch programming environment developed by the Lifelong Kindergarten Group at the MIT Media Lab.

More Information.

Scratch 2.0 was developed to provide an improved programming experience with new features like cloud saving, improved sprite and backdrop management, and support for vector graphics. The .SB2 file format was introduced to accommodate these enhancements and ensure backward compatibility with projects created in Scratch 1.x.

Origin Of This File.

The .SB2 file format was introduced as part of Scratch 2.0, released in 2013, as an upgrade to the original Scratch 1.x file format (.SB). It aimed to enhance project compatibility and add new features to the Scratch platform.

File Structure Technical Specification.

.SB2 files are essentially ZIP archives containing project assets and metadata encoded in XML format. These assets include scripts, sprites, backdrops, sounds, and other resources used in the Scratch project. The XML files describe the arrangement and behavior of these elements within the Scratch programming environment.

How to Convert the File?


  1. Using Scratch: Open the .SB2 file in Scratch 2.0 or later version on Windows. Then, save the project in a different format using the “File” menu options, such as saving as .SB3 format.
  2. Online Converters: Explore online conversion tools specifically designed for converting Scratch projects. Upload the .SB2 file to the converter and follow the on-screen instructions to convert it to the desired format.
  3. Third-party Software: Some third-party software applications may offer batch conversion features for Scratch projects. Install and use these tools to convert multiple .SB2 files to alternative formats simultaneously.


  1. Scratch on Wine: Install Wine compatibility layer on Linux and then install Scratch 2.0 or later versions through Wine. Open the .SB2 file using Scratch, then save it in a different format through the software’s interface.
  2. Online Converters: Utilize online conversion services that support Linux browsers. Upload the .SB2 file to the converter website and proceed with the conversion process as instructed.
  3. Alternative Software: Explore Linux-compatible alternatives to Scratch that support .SB2 file conversion. Some open-source programming environments may provide tools or plugins for converting Scratch projects to other formats.


  1. Using Scratch: Open the .SB2 file in Scratch 2.0 or later version on Mac. Save the project in a different format using the “File” menu options, such as saving as .SB3 format.
  2. Online Converters: Access online conversion services via Mac browsers. Upload the .SB2 file to the converter website and follow the conversion steps provided on the site.
  3. Third-party Software: Investigate third-party software solutions available for Mac that support .SB2 file conversion. Look for applications compatible with macOS that offer batch conversion capabilities for Scratch projects.


  1. Scratch App: Install the Scratch app from the Google Play Store on your Android device. Open the .SB2 file using the app, then save the project in a different format supported by the app, such as .SB3.
  2. Online Converters: Use mobile-friendly online conversion services accessible through the browser on your Android device. Upload the .SB2 file to the converter website and proceed with the conversion process.
  3. Third-party Apps: Look for third-party apps available on the Google Play Store that support Scratch project conversion. Install and use these apps to convert .SB2 files to alternative formats directly on your Android device.


  1. Scratch App: Download and install the Scratch app from the App Store on your iOS device. Open the .SB2 file using the app, then save the project in a different format supported by the app, such as .SB3.
  2. Online Converters: Access mobile-friendly online conversion services through the browser on your iOS device. Upload the .SB2 file to the converter website and proceed with the conversion process.
  3. Third-party Apps: Explore third-party apps available on the App Store that offer Scratch project conversion functionalities. Install and use these apps to convert .SB2 files to alternative formats directly on your iOS device.


  1. Online Converters: Investigate online conversion services accessible via web browsers on different platforms. These services may offer cross-platform compatibility for converting .SB2 files to alternative formats.
  2. Cross-platform Software: Look for cross-platform software solutions capable of running on various operating systems. Install and use these applications to convert .SB2 files on your preferred platform.
  3. Custom Solutions: Consider developing or utilizing custom conversion scripts or tools tailored to your specific platform requirements for converting .SB2 files to alternative formats.

Advantages And Disadvantages.


  1. Compatibility: .SB2 files are compatible with Scratch 2.0 and later versions, ensuring project portability and accessibility.
  2. Enhanced Features: Supports new features introduced in Scratch 2.0, such as cloud saving and vector graphics.
  3. Educational Value: Facilitates learning and creativity through visual programming and interactive media creation.


  1. Version Dependency: Projects saved in .SB2 format may not be fully compatible with future versions of Scratch, necessitating conversion or migration.
  2. Limited Compatibility: While .SB2 files can be opened in Scratch 2.0 and later, they may not be compatible with older versions of Scratch or alternative programming environments.

How to Open SB2?

Open In Windows

Use Scratch 2.0 or later versions to open .SB2 files on Windows.

Open In Linux

Install Scratch 2.0 or later versions using compatibility layers like Wine or utilize native Linux alternatives like Snap or Flatpak packages.

Open In MAC

Open .SB2 files using Scratch 2.0 or later versions compatible with macOS.

Open In Android

Use the Scratch app available on the Google Play Store to open .SB2 files on Android devices.

Open In IOS

Access .SB2 files using the Scratch app from the App Store on iOS devices.

Open in Others

Various online and offline tools may offer support for opening .SB2 files on other platforms or environments, depending on compatibility and available software options.

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