.SBK File Extension

.SBK File Extension

SWiSH Project Backup File

Developer SWiSHzone.com

Average rating 3.5 / 5. Vote count: 17

Category Video Files
Format .SBK
Cross Platform Update Soon

What is an SBK file?

The .SBK file extension is associated with SWiSH, a software tool used for creating animations and interactive content primarily for web applications. The .SBK file specifically serves as a backup of SWiSH project files.

More Information.

SWiSH, developed by MDM Zinc Ltd., was introduced as a user-friendly alternative to Adobe Flash for creating vector-based animations and interactive content for websites. It gained popularity in the early 2000s for its simpler interface and robust feature set, catering primarily to web designers and developers who needed dynamic and visually appealing content without the complexity of Flash.

Origin Of This File.

SWiSH was developed by an Australian company called MDM Zinc Ltd. It gained popularity in the early 2000s as a simpler alternative to Adobe Flash for creating vector-based animations and effects for websites.

File Structure Technical Specification.

  • Purpose: Backup of SWiSH project files.
  • Format: Binary format specific to SWiSH.
  • Contents: Contains a copy of the project files in a compressed or uncompressed format, depending on the SWiSH version and backup settings.

How to Convert the File?


  1. Open SWiSH: Launch SWiSH software on your Windows PC.
  2. Restore Backup: Use the SWiSH application to open the .SBK file and restore it to its original project format.
  3. Export or Save As: Once restored, you can export or save the project in formats supported by SWiSH for further use.


  1. Virtualization: Use virtualization software like VirtualBox or VMware to run a Windows environment with SWiSH installed.
  2. Restore Backup: Inside the virtualized Windows environment, open SWiSH and restore the .SBK file.
  3. Export or Save As: After restoration, save or export the project as needed within the virtual environment.


  1. Cross-Platform Tools: Use tools like Wine or a virtual machine to run Windows and SWiSH on your Mac.
  2. Restore Backup: Open SWiSH within the Windows environment and restore the .SBK file.
  3. Export or Save As: Save or export the project in compatible formats within the virtualized Windows system.


  1. Remote Desktop: Access a Windows PC with SWiSH installed via a remote desktop app like Microsoft Remote Desktop or TeamViewer.
  2. Restore Backup: Open SWiSH on the remote Windows PC and restore the .SBK file.
  3. Export or Save As: Save or export the project on the remote Windows PC.


  1. Remote Access: Use a remote desktop app to connect to a Windows PC or Mac with SWiSH installed.
  2. Restore Backup: Open SWiSH on the remote computer and restore the .SBK file.
  3. Export or Save As: Save or export the project on the remote computer.


  1. Virtualization or Emulation: Depending on the platform, utilize virtualization software or compatibility layers to run SWiSH on the respective operating system.
  2. Restore Backup: Open SWiSH within the virtualized or emulated environment and restore the .SBK file.
  3. Export or Save As: Save or export the project within the virtualized or emulated environment.

Advantages And Disadvantages.


  • Provides a safety net against accidental loss of project data.
  • Allows for easy restoration of project files after corruption or unintended changes.


  • Requires the SWiSH software to open and restore projects.
  • Limited compatibility outside of SWiSH environment.

How to Open SBK?

Open In Windows

Requires SWiSH software installed.

Open In Linux

Possible via compatibility layers or virtualization with Windows and SWiSH.

Open In MAC

Can be opened with SWiSH if running on a compatible version of macOS or through virtualization.

Open In Android

Not directly supported; requires emulation or remote desktop access to a system running SWiSH.

Open In IOS

Not directly supported; requires emulation or remote desktop access to a system running SWiSH.

Open in Others

Similar to Linux and macOS, may require virtualization or compatibility layers.

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