.SCS File Extension

.SCS File Extension

SimCity Societies Saved Game File

Developer Electronic Arts

Average rating 4.2 / 5. Vote count: 115

Category Game Files
Format .SCS
Cross Platform Update Soon

What is an SCS file?

.SCS file extension is associated with SimCity Societies, a city-building simulation game developed by Tilted Mill Entertainment and published by Electronic Arts.

Released in November 2007, the game marked a departure from previous titles in the SimCity series by focusing more on the social and cultural aspects of city building rather than just the economic and infrastructural elements.

The .SCS file format is used to store saved game data, allowing players to save their progress and resume their city-building activities at a later time.

More Information.

SimCity Societies represented a significant shift in the gameplay mechanics of the SimCity franchise.

Before its release, SimCity games were primarily focused on urban planning and economic management. SimCity Societies, however, introduced a new dimension by emphasizing the social and cultural dynamics of city life.

The .SCS file extension was integral to this new approach, as it needed to store a wide range of data types, from traditional city infrastructure to more abstract concepts like societal values and citizen happiness.

The primary purpose of the .SCS file was to save the state of a player’s city at any given moment. This allowed players to experiment with different societal models and city layouts without losing their progress.

The ability to save and load games also made it possible for players to share their cities with others, fostering a community of shared creativity and experimentation.

Origin Of This File.

The .SCS file format was specifically created for SimCity Societies. This file type was designed to encapsulate all the necessary information about a player’s city, including the layout, population, resources, buildings, and various societal attributes.

By using the .SCS file extension, the game developers aimed to create a standardized way of saving and loading game progress, ensuring consistency and reliability for players.

File Structure Technical Specification.

The .SCS file format is a binary file that encapsulates various pieces of data related to the state of a city in SimCity Societies. The structure of an .SCS file includes several key components:

  1. Header Information: This includes metadata such as the version of the game, the date and time the game was saved, and the name of the saved game.
  2. City Layout Data: This section contains information about the geographical layout of the city, including the placement of roads, buildings, and other infrastructure.
  3. Population Data: Information about the city’s population, including the number of citizens, their professions, and their distribution across different societal classes.
  4. Resource Data: Details about the resources available in the city, such as energy, water, and materials.
  5. Societal Attributes: This includes data on the cultural and social aspects of the city, such as the level of creativity, prosperity, authority, knowledge, and spirituality.
  6. Event Data: Information about events that have occurred in the city, such as disasters, festivals, and other significant occurrences.

The binary format of the .SCS file ensures that it is compact and can be quickly read and written by the game. However, this also means that the file is not easily readable by humans and requires specialized software to interpret.

How to Convert the File?

Converting .SCS files to other formats are not straightforward due to their binary nature and the specialized data they contain. There are a few approaches one can take:

  1. Using In-Game Export Features: Some games offer the ability to export saved game data to other formats. If SimCity Societies provides such an option, it would be the most straightforward way to convert .SCS files.
  2. Third-Party Tools: There are third-party tools and programs developed by the gaming community that may be able to read .SCS files and converts the data into other formats, such as CSV or XML.
  3. Manual Conversion: For those with programming skills, it may be possible to write a custom script to read the binary data from an .SCS file and convert it into a more accessible format. This would require a thorough understanding of the file structure and data types used in the .SCS file.

Advantages And Disadvantages.


  1. Efficiency: The binary format of the .SCS file allows for efficient storage and retrieval of game data, ensuring that the game can save and load quickly.
  2. Comprehensive Data Storage: The .SCS file is capable of storing a wide range of data types, making it possible to save the complete state of a city, including both physical and abstract attributes.
  3. Consistency: Using a standardized file format ensures that saved games are consistent and reliable, reducing the likelihood of corruption or data loss.


  1. Lack of Readability: As a binary file, the .SCS files are not easily readable by humans. This makes it difficult to edit or modify the file without specialized tools.
  2. Limited Compatibility: The .SCS file format is specific to SimCity Societies, meaning it cannot be used with other games or applications.
  3. Dependence on Game Software: Opening and interpreting .SCS files require the SimCity Societies game or compatible software, limiting the flexibility of the file.

How to Open SCS?

Open In Windows

  • SimCity Societies: The primary way to open and use .SCS files is through the SimCity Societies game itself. The game provides options to load saved games from within the user interface.
  • Third-Party Tools: There are community-developed tools that can open and edit .SCS files on Windows.

Open In Linux

  • Wine: Similar to Mac, Linux users can use Wine to run SimCity Societies and open .SCS files. The performance and compatibility may vary depending on the specific Linux distribution and Wine configuration.
  • Virtual Machine: Running a Windows virtual machine using software like VirtualBox or VMware is another option for Linux users to access .SCS files.

Open In MAC

  • Virtual Machine: Since SimCity Societies is a Windows-based game, Mac users can use virtual machine software like Parallels or VMware Fusion to run Windows and subsequently SimCity Societies.
  • Wine: Wine is a compatibility layer that allows Windows applications to run on Mac. While not all features of SimCity Societies may work perfectly, it can be used to open .SCS files.

Open In Android

Open In IOS

Open in Others

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