.SDC File Extension

SDC File Extension

Secure Download Cabinet

Developer Microsoft

Average rating 3.6 / 5. Vote count: 26

Category Compressed Files
Format .SDC
Cross Platform Update Soon

What is an SDC file?

Files with the .SDC extension are known as Secure Download Cabinet files. These files serve as containers for packaging and securely distributing data over the internet.

The .SDC format is specifically designed to protect the integrity and confidentiality of the contents within, making it a reliable choice for secure file transmission.

More Information.

The .SDC file format was introduced as part of the StarOffice suite in the late 1990s. Its primary purpose was to facilitate secure downloads of files from the internet. As the internet evolved and the need for secure file transmission grew, the .SDC format became increasingly important.

Initially, .SDC files were primarily used for downloading software updates, patches, and other digital assets securely.

Their usage expanded to include secure distribution of sensitive documents, multimedia files, and other confidential information.

Origin Of This File.

The .SDC file extension was developed by the creators of the StarOffice suite, which later became Apache OpenOffice.

It was designed to provide a secure means of downloading files over the internet while ensuring data integrity and confidentiality. The format gained popularity due to its robust security features and ease of use.

File Structure Technical Specification.

The .SDC file format employs a cabinet archive structure, similar to other archive formats like .ZIP or .RAR. What sets it apart is its emphasis on security features.

.SDC files utilize strong encryption algorithms to protect the contents from unauthorized access or tampering.Internally, an .SDC file consists of multiple components, including:

  1. Header: Contains metadata about the file, such as encryption parameters, compression settings, and file attributes.
  2. Encrypted Data: The actual contents of the file, encrypted using a secure algorithm to prevent unauthorized access.
  3. Footer: Concludes the file and may include checksums or other integrity checks to ensure data consistency.

How to Convert the File?

Converting .SDC files to other formats may be necessary to enhance compatibility or access the contents using different software.

While direct conversion tools may not be readily available due to the proprietary nature of the format, alternative methods can be employed.

One possible approach is to extract the contents of the .SDC file using compatible software and then save or convert the extracted files to a different format. This process typically involves the following steps:

  1. Extract .SDC Contents: Use compatible software capable of opening .SDC files to extract the contents. This may involve decrypting the file and decompressing the data to access the original files.
  2. Save or Convert Files: Once the contents are extracted, save or convert them to the desired format using appropriate software. For example, documents can be saved as PDFs, images can be converted to JPEG or PNG, and so on.

Advantages And Disadvantages.


  1. Security: The primary advantage of .SDC files is their robust security features, including encryption and data integrity checks, which protect the contents from unauthorized access or tampering.
  2. Ease of Use: .SDC files are typically easy to create and distribute, making them suitable for a wide range of applications.
  3. Compression: The format often includes compression, reducing file size and facilitating faster downloads.


  1. Proprietary Format: The .SDC format is proprietary, which means its specifications are not openly available. This can make it challenging to develop compatible software or understand the intricacies of the format.
  2. Compatibility: While .SDC files can be opened using specific software, compatibility may be limited compared to more widely supported formats like .ZIP or .PDF.
  3. Dependency on Specific Software: Users may need to install specific software capable of handling .SDC files, which can be inconvenient if they prefer using alternative programs.

How to Open SDC?

Open In Windows

Windows users can open .SDC files using compatible software like Apache OpenOffice or LibreOffice. Simply double-clicking the .SDC file should launch the associated application, allowing users to access the contents.

Open In Linux

Linux users can also utilize software like Apache OpenOffice or LibreOffice to open .SDC files. Alternatively, they may employ Wine, a compatibility layer that allows running Windows applications on Linux, to open .SDC files using Windows software.

Open In MAC

macOS users can open .SDC files using compatible software like Apache OpenOffice or LibreOffice. These applications offer cross-platform support and should allow macOS users to access the contents of .SDC files seamlessly.

Open In Android

While .SDC files are primarily designed for desktop environments, Android users may still be able to access them using compatible office suite applications available on the Google Play Store. Applications like Apache OpenOffice Viewer or LibreOffice Viewer may offer limited support for opening .SDC files on Android devices.

Open In IOS

Similarly, iOS users can explore the App Store for office suite applications that support opening .SDC files. While options may be more limited compared to desktop platforms, some applications may offer basic functionality for viewing .SDC contents on iOS devices.

Open in Others

For other platforms or specialized environments, accessing .SDC files may require custom solutions or software tailored to specific requirements. Developers may need to explore alternative approaches or develop custom solutions to handle .SDC files in unique environments.

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