.SJD File Extension

.SJD File Extension

Scrapbook Factory Journal File

Developer Nova Development

Average rating 3.3 / 5. Vote count: 3

Category Page Layout Files
Format .SJD
Cross Platform Update Soon

What is an SJD file?

The .SJD file is used to store journals created within the Scrapbook Factory application. It typically contains text entries, images, and various multimedia elements formatted and organized to resemble traditional scrapbooks or journals.

More Information.

The Scrapbook Factory software was developed by Nova Development with the initial purpose of allowing users to create personalized digital scrapbooks and journals easily. It aimed to provide a user-friendly platform where individuals could compile and customize their memories, events, and creative projects in a digital format resembling traditional scrapbooks.

Origin Of This File.

Scrapbook Factory was developed by Nova Development, a software company known for its consumer-oriented applications. The software aimed to provide users with tools to create personalized digital scrapbooks easily.

File Structure Technical Specification.

  • Content: Text, images, multimedia elements.
  • Format: Proprietary to Scrapbook Factory.
  • Extension: .SJD.
  • Compatibility: Designed to be opened and edited within Scrapbook Factory.

How to Convert the File?


  1. Export from Scrapbook Factory:
    • Open your .SJD file in Scrapbook Factory.
    • Look for export options within the software.
    • Export to formats like PDF, JPEG, or PNG for wider compatibility.

Linux & macOS

  1. Emulation or Virtualization:
    • Use software like Wine (for Linux) or Parallels Desktop (for macOS) to run Scrapbook Factory and access .SJD files.
    • Once opened, export files to more common formats.


  1. Emulation or Virtualization:
    • Similar to Linux, use software like Parallels Desktop or other virtualization tools to run Windows and Scrapbook Factory.
    • Export files to formats compatible with macOS.

Android & iOS

  1. Conversion Services:
    • Use online file conversion services that support converting to formats like PDF, JPEG, or PNG.
    • Upload your .SJD file and select the desired output format.
    • Download the converted file to your device.

Others (Non-Windows, Non-Linux, Non-macOS, Non-Android, Non-iOS)

  1. Online Conversion Tools:
    • Utilize online conversion services that support file format conversions.
    • Upload your .SJD file and choose a compatible output format for your operating system.
    • Download the converted file.

Advantages And Disadvantages.


  • Ease of Use: User-friendly interface for creating digital journals.
  • Customization: Ability to personalize layouts with images, stickers, and text.
  • Preservation: Digital preservation of memories and events.


  • Proprietary Format: Limited compatibility with other applications.
  • Dependency: Requires Scrapbook Factory to open and edit without conversion.
  • Export Limitations: May not support export to common formats without loss of formatting.

How to Open SJD?

Open In Windows

Open with Scrapbook Factory software.

Open In Linux

Limited support; requires emulation or virtualization of Windows environment for compatibility.

Open In MAC

Limited support; requires emulation or virtualization of Windows environment for compatibility.

Open In Android

No native support; conversion or emulation required for access.

Open In IOS

No native support; conversion or emulation required for access.

Open in Others

  • Compatibility Issues: Due to its proprietary nature, .SJD files may pose challenges when sharing or accessing across different platforms.
  • Preservation: Ensure backups and consider exporting to more accessible formats for long-term storage and sharing.

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