.SMMX File Extension

.SMMX File Extension

SimpleMind Mind Map

Developer SimpleApps

Average rating 3.8 / 5. Vote count: 8

Category Page Layout Files
Format .SMMX
Cross Platform Update Soon

What is an SMMX file?

The .SMMX file extension is associated with SimpleMind, a popular mind mapping software used for visualizing and organizing ideas. It stores mind maps created using SimpleMind, which are graphical representations of concepts, ideas, or tasks linked together via nodes.

More Information.

SimpleMind was originally developed as a tool for creating mind maps—visual representations of ideas and concepts organized hierarchically. It was designed to help individuals brainstorm, plan projects, take notes, and enhance creativity by visually mapping out relationships between various thoughts and elements.

Origin Of This File.

SimpleMind originated as a mind mapping tool designed to help users brainstorm, plan projects, and organize information visually. The .SMMX format was introduced to store and share these mind maps efficiently.

File Structure Technical Specification.

  • Format: Binary file format
  • Content: Hierarchical structure of nodes, connections, and attributes
  • Software Dependency: Requires SimpleMind software to create, edit, and view .SMMX files

How to Convert the File?


  1. Using SimpleMind:
    • Open your .SMMX file in SimpleMind.
    • Go to the File menu and choose “Export.”
    • Select the desired format (e.g., PDF, PNG) and follow the prompts to export the file.


  1. Using Wine (Compatibility Layer):
    • Install Wine on your Linux distribution.
    • Download the SimpleMind installer for Windows from the SimpleMind website.
    • Install SimpleMind using Wine.
    • Open SimpleMind, load your .SMMX file, and export it to the desired format.


  1. Using SimpleMind (Native Application):
    • Open SimpleMind on your Mac.
    • Load your .SMMX file within SimpleMind.
    • Navigate to the File menu and select “Export.”
    • Choose your desired export format (e.g., PDF, PNG) and complete the export process.


  1. Using SimpleMind App:
    • Open the SimpleMind app on your Android device.
    • Load your .SMMX file within the app.
    • Tap on the export option (usually located in the menu or toolbar).
    • Select the format you want to convert the file to (e.g., PDF, PNG) and follow the export instructions.


  1. Using SimpleMind App:
    • Launch the SimpleMind app on your iOS device.
    • Load the .SMMX file into the app.
    • Tap on the export icon (often located in the menu or toolbar).
    • Choose the format you wish to convert the file to (e.g., PDF, PNG) and complete the export process.

Other Platforms:

  • Limited Options: SimpleMind primarily supports Windows, Mac, Android, and iOS. For other platforms, such as Chrome OS or specific niche operating systems, consider using online conversion tools if available, or utilize a compatible emulator or virtual machine setup to run SimpleMind on those platforms.

Advantages And Disadvantages.


  • Visual Organization: Facilitates organizing and connecting ideas visually.
  • Cross-Platform: Supports multiple platforms for accessibility.


  • Software Dependency: Requires SimpleMind software for editing and viewing.
  • Compatibility: Limited interoperability with other mind mapping software.

How to Open SMMX?

Open In Windows

Open using SimpleMind software available from the SimpleMind website or Microsoft Store.

Open In Linux

SimpleMind is not officially supported on Linux, but you may try running it using Wine or similar compatibility layers.

Open In MAC

Use SimpleMind from the Mac App Store or their official website.

Open In Android

Install SimpleMind from Google Play Store.

Open In IOS

Download SimpleMind from the App Store.

Open in Others

Limited support; primarily accessible through official SimpleMind applications.

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